Malawi in 35gallon possible?


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
Ok thanks very much everyone!
I love the saulosi, if i go ahead with plans (and actually find the fish locally) i will definatly be getting the saulosi :)

I' ll keep everone updated with what i decide
1 question: obviously i will need to get rid of the fish i have atm in the 35, is it possible to keep just one bristlenose pleco for algae control?

EDIT: I have tons of rocks in my back garden and i would like to use these instead of buying them, as they can be expensive
do they look ok for the tank:

Also do i NEED another filter like external? i have a juwel one atm its like a black box in the corner of the tank with sponges, pump and heater (dont think they sell these in the US)

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
I would go for demasoni, or demsoni and labs.
I kept a similar set of fish in a juwel 160 (not sold in the uK), but is near as heck the same, I backed up the blackbox with first a fluval 4 internal and then a cannister, they are messy and it's a high bioload so I don't think I'd trust just the juwel corner filter, especially as the pump in the juwel is quite weak


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
you can get limestone, and that highers the pH i beleive. or you can get pH raising powder stuff...but i personally would look to a more natural way.
umm i think crushed corals higher the pH as well
and in reality you COULD acclimate them lower than what they say they do best just is very stressful on the fish for a bit

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Helena21 said:
2 more Q's

1. Is it better to buy the fish from fry or adults?
2. How do i go about raising the pH?
I like to buy them small. Get to see them grow and have them grow up as a group. Its harder to introduce new fish into an already controlled, adult group if that makes sense. Not to mention usually young fish are cheaper yet harder to sex.

Crushed coral will yes. What is your pH at now? (You've probably said but i've forgotten.) All of my fish come from my LFS or i usually don't even mess with pH. And probably wouldn't mess with pH unless i had wild or F1 fish.