Marineland 5 Gal Hex - All in one


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
IDunnoWhy said:
Well, I assume your talking about a Blue Crayfish, correct? Anyway 5g is more than enough water volume for 1 Cray and a couple small tankmates, however the overall footprint of the tank isn't too big, so there won't be alot of crawling around room, but I still think you could give it a go *thumbsups

Are you serious ? or just having a giggle?


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
5 gals is a nice size for a desk top, And a real challenge to create an environment that not only looks good. But the occupants will FEEL COMFORTABLE AND HAPPY, AND BE SAFE AND HEALTHY(I Dunno Why) in. Obviously you will need very small fish because they not only need to fit into it. They need room to swim. so really you are stuck with a Guppy tank (Tetras may be small but they cover a lot of distance and IMHO need at least a 3 foot tank. Bigger if poss).
I have a small 6 IMP gallon tank which is planted and I have 6 Guppies at the top 4 African Dwarf Frogs at the bottom and 4 Amado Shrimp absolutely everywhere. I did have a few Khulie Loach in there , But although they spend most of the time hiding. When they did come out they really need a bigger tank as they fly around like a balloon with the bottom end open (but for longer) . Getting and keeping the vegetation just right is a challenge. and the old adage about the smaller the tank the harder the work is very true. It may not be as naturally accurate as my other tanks. But it is way and above the prettiest.

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Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Timbo said:
Are you serious ? or just having a giggle?
Sort of a mute point since s_anthony already bought a DP.

But, yes I am serious, 5 Gal. would be enough for a single crayfish (people on this forum have kept them in smaller w/ good results). I also noted that a 5g hex, has a small footprint so really not too much crawling room.

Would I keep one in a 5g? No, because I have larger spare tanks, but I see no reason why you couldn't, especially since the cray would have been moved to his 15g eventually anyway.

Just my personal experiences, I'm sure others have had better/worse results w/similar things.