Mixing Mollies


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
How do they get the various colors of Mollies? The LFS says they cross the silver with the black for the Dalmatians, is there any truth in that? It seems like mine are color conscious - I don't see the black and white mixing. On the other hand I now have one fry that looks like a possible cross. I also have some gold or orange although they are not in a tank with any black or silver, but if they were, would they mix and what would be the result? Also what is the difference between Dalmatian and Marble?? Ah yes, and the LFS tells me all sailfin are males?? :confused:

Feb 18, 2011
here we go

What is the ratio between the colors? And the ratio between male and female?

Its might take some time to find a breeding pair do to numbers. If you have a breeder
tank just mix and match your black and white mollies single them out or they will
not breed together due to the number factor. It might take a week or so but when you havea pair


Small Fish
Feb 9, 2011
The LFS says they cross the silver with the black for the Dalmatians, is there any truth in that?
I dont think so. The babies wont have distinct patches of black like the Dalmatians but will have a mix of silver and blackish all over the body or at certain locations (like the head or the tail). I mixed black, marble and milky white to get blackish marbles and milkish marble. Thought they do not look so beautiful, i like them.