

Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
alright, well he is making fun of a very serious and life threatening disease while insulting me. and calling me an a**hole. so i think it is him you need to tell to stop. i have also not DEMANDED anything from this site, i simply asked a question. and i do understand you are like the forum owner or whatever, but its not me causing the problems. i came here to get help, and while most people are helping, brian is just constantly insulting me and not helping at all. thank you.
*sigh* ok really you need to chill out. I DID tell BOTH of you to stop because yes it is both of you. He called you names and you called him names. and I already explained about the MTS...we use it all the time around here and no insult is meant by it...there are plenty of things that have the same three letter abbreviations.


Small Fish
Dec 8, 2009
yes the bamboo is sticking out about two inches. the capyrus looks kind of like a palm tree, ill post a pic later. yes the fish have been eating well and acting completely normal except for the huddling at the top. i still think it might just be the temp because the spot where they sit is the warmest part of the tank.

Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome... something about nerve degeneration, right?
yes that is correct.

Feb 27, 2009
he is making fun of a very serious and life threatening disease
I doubt he was making fun of a serious disease. Acronyms can have different meanings in different contexts. MTS on a fish hobby forum often can mean either Multi-Tank Syndrome or Malaysian Trumpet Snail. I have both (7 aquariums, one just isn't enough!) and I encourage the snail as it keeps the substrate churned up in planted tanks. I used to live in California, and rode the MTS daily to work on San Diego's Metropolitan Transit System.

We're just trying to help you help your fish. That's all. *twirlysmi


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
there is no ammonia poisoning because the fish would have died by now.
im not a retard, i used to work at a pet store so i know what cycling is. so stop telling me my tank is not cycled.
nobody was calling you a retard or stupid ,why would you take it that way ? just asking a simple question. some people come here and dont know what cycling is. you got all bent over nothing , and then the insults start flying.
saying numbers are fine, dont tell us anything. i reread the post to see if i missed something, and i didnt.
We're just trying to help you help your fish. That's all.

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Dec 14, 2009
my mollies had babies last night :)

hey guys,

my HUGE female sailfin gave birth finally ! i managed to save 31 from being eaten and put them in their very own 10g tank :) cant wait for them to grow up.. anyone know what the water temp should be in their tank ? its at 78f/26c is this correct ??

25g - 9 mollies - 4 females - 6 males, 1 female swortail, 1 bristlenose catfish,3 black phantom tetras. 2 female, 1 male.

10g fry tank - 31 molly fry, 1 small bristlnose catfish.

3.3g - 1 female betta (ruby)

tips, suggestions or questions pleaseeeeeeeee :)


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
i also have bioballs, bamboo and capyrus, so the tank has stayed cycled throughout the time since i set it up a while ago. thanks though, ill get back to you with the levels when i get a chance.
If you remove fish from the tank for any period of time ( which you already admitted to doing), the bacterium from the cycle can die off from lack off food (fish waste).

do NOT add CO2 when you already have fish that cannot breathe too well.

the reason we are asking for specific numbers for your tests are because different sets of numbers tell us different things. saying "I tested my number are fine" does NOT answer the questions we asked!


Give me numbers. I think you are just using the cheap-o testing strips and don't have a real testing kit.

I understand you worked at a pet store. Not all pet stores are as knowledgeable as they think. You cannot be taught something the teacher does not know. Its like, who do you ask about star wars movies- the kid who stocks them on the shelf at toys r us, or the nerd that is busy buying the darth vader with the vinyl cape and green lightsaber off ebay?

We are the fish nerds. Trust the nerds. Embrace the nerds.

On the MTS thing, it was actually a VERY common phrase in signatures here a few years ago when there were thousands of constant users. No one is making fun of MS, or any other disorder. I used to list MTS in my sig too, when I had a few hundred tanks.

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Small Fish
Dec 8, 2009
hey jamiejay09 whats the temp of your original 25gal tank? i still think its just the temp.
and like i said, i am going to buy a test kit and test it again... chill its been like 12 hours.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
glorious thread.

I see mini-cycles can be soooo deceiving. Hope i never get that in my tank. hope your mollies keep doing well, keep us updated till they completely recover or otherwise.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I was talking to jamie about the temp for the fry.

70F is a bit low as you would expect me/us to say. over time your fish will adjust to it.

you know you coulda kept colder-water fish like white minnows or something...
tropicals like molly would do better with a heater...

Feb 27, 2009
i just got mollies so they would breed. i need fish for my oscars to eat and i figured id feed them the babies once they got a little bigger
Your oscars will be healthier if you fed them carnivore pellets.

If you want to provide the oscars with the fry of these fish, you will need a much larger and heated brackish-water aquarium.

Just my opinion.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
i just got mollies so they would breed. i need fish for my oscars to eat and i figured id feed them the babies once they got a little bigger
I tried this approach myself using convict cichlids because they actually breed quicker IME than mollies but when I put them in the oscars tank he had no interest in live food and basically adopted them. I ended up with well over 200 convict fry that I ended up giving to my LFS.

Orangecones is correct pellets are a much better option but live food bred at home would be a good treat if it eats them.


Small Fish
Dec 8, 2009
they always eat live food once in a while. hey prefer it to dry pellets.
i did put a heater in the tank, and just as i suspected, they are swimming normal now.
so i guess i was right all along.