Mom's not happy with her 70gal...


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
My mom doesn't like the fish options for her 70gal, I am thinking she would be happy with cichlids as she wants bright colorful bigger fish (she has tetras and such in there now). Can you cichlid people point me in the right directions for low maintenance cichlid tank ideas? As far as decor, stock, etc... I really like the zebra and peacock cichlids and I do think I want to go with Malawi, but I'm open to suggestions, maybe SA with some Acuras?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I don't think I would suggest any new world cichlids. Judging by what you said she wants most won't fit the bill. IE they get too big and need to be alone or in a pair at the most in a 70 gal tank. Discus would give her what she wants in color but I don't think you want to go over to her house to give the care they need every few days. Firemouths not a good choice, not so much because of size, but a combination of size and territory needs. Males are VERY territorial.

Talk to some of the African guys as I'm thinking something out of one of the lakes would be more fitting for what your mom wants.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Low upkeep, bright colors, bigger fish? We are going to the Lake Malawi Rocky cliffs.

Mbuna would suit you fine. Peacocks could work too, but really only the males are colorful. However, calling them easy does not mean you can just let them go weeks without waterchanges, food, etc. There is still upkeep...but comparing them to other cichlids such as discus or some of the Tang don't have to go out of your way to much for them.

I think you would do good with something like: (Stars infront of the names i'd really reccommend.)
-Johannii -
-**Yellow Labs -
-Demasoni -
-Pseu. Zebra -
-**Orange/Red Zebra -
-Cobalt Zebra -
-**Socolofi -

And of course there are mixes and other species at the LFS, though i don't highly reccommend getting "mixed africans" from the LFS....its always an option. Those listed above are just some common Mbuna that are compatible for the most part.

Mbuna would prefer mostly rocks, though plants arn't going to really effect them. Real plants might get shredded, fake plants might get dug up but theres nothing to say you really can't keep plants with them if you wanted. Just wedge some inbetween rocks...or tie them on if they are java fern/anubias. Sand is the prefered substrate, but like the plants...gravel will work.

In a 70gal you would be looking at about 10-20ish maybe a few more, give or take (This is a ballpark number) fish in the tank.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
Virgowolf...yeah, cichlids! I have to say that my Malawi mbuna (yellow labs as posted in C-man's response) are a real treat. Their behaviors are interesting to watch and as they grow their color becomes quite rich and very vibrant. Their social order gets established quickly and you can see the different temperments/personalities develop, something you don't get to see with schooling fish. I think this makes them very interesting. Weekly water changes, a variety of foods, and plenty of rocks w/ caves make them quite happy. I've only had mine for three months and they are already makin' babies! Anyway, they are definitely "bright colorful bigger fish."


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks guys, I do like alot of those C-Man. I know mom would too. I had a yellow lab, but he was beaten to death by my blue convict (I didn't know what he was then, got him at a garage sale).

This tank is odd dimentions, so I'm assuming my stock levels would be a little less than suggested. the footprint is 48" x 13". Here's what it looks like now (minus all the bubbles).

I am thinking I will steal the big rock from this tank and add it. I found a centerpiece I like better for that tank anyway.

and then just find some more rocks to replace most of the plants.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
That rock would be great for mbuna. It's the same that I have along the back of my tank, I keep picking up pieces when I go to the pet store (got about eight or nine now) and they love those little holes.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
OK, I'm thinking definitly Malawi, I really like ALL the Zebras and the Labs are great, the Socolofi is awesome, the Johannii is OK, and the Demasoni is OK. I really like the Yellow Tail Acei, would he wrk out with Zebras? I am thinking this tank will be primarily zebras.

Any other tips? Are these "Arazona" type rocks OK? I'd like to stick with them, I saw some neat ones at the LFS last night, I might have to pick mom up a few if they're OK. Thinking Lava Rock too. Any tips? for the Zebras and other Malawis, is there anything I want to keep in mind when shopping for decor and setting up the tank? I know as many little caves / territories as possible, but anything else?


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
I had a problem with pleco in my cichlid tank. It just seems that they are unable to communicate with the cichlids and so the territory issue becomes a big one. I had to physically remove all the rocks to get to my dominant cichlid and my pleco fighting like mad, they were relentless. I think they'd both settled on one little cave and they weren't backing down in the least. The pleco was eventually adopted out to a friend with a 100gal. After that fight though the pleco had fin damage and one of the pleco's spines left a long scratch on my beautiful beautiful yellow lab.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Eh, I was hoping the snail would be safe, oh well, I have other tanks for snails. :)

C-Man, what food would you suggest for this tank? What about my oscars? I know the Hikari Cichlid Gold is usually recomended for just about any cichlid, would that be best for mom's tank or my oscars? Just looking for a staple for the oscars as they get a wide variety of foods (is there any no-no's when it comes to feeding oscars?), but for Mom's tank, I'm looking for one basic food for all feedings (and I can bring snacks on weekends).