Mom's not happy with her 70gal...


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Would that be good for the Oscars as well then? Any other types of foods you would suggest for the zebras or my oscars? Something I can give as a treat of sorts? (just on weekends or something)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well they have different kinds in that brand. If its worth anything my SW fish will eat the cichlid pellets as well as my cichlids...both do fine and they all beg for more.

Treats? Hmm...i'm not so sure on treats for Mbuna though the oscar might like some bloodworms once in a while. I've seen Oscars eat everything from Crickets, to baby pellets.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
All my fish love the NLS except for my heros. They really seem to prefer hikari cichlid complete. I don't know if it's just the size different in the two pellets, the NLS being smaller, or what. First fish I've ever had to go after something other then the NLS first when offered two.

For the mbuna like C-man said just shy away from foods with a high protien content as a staple food. As for the big O, we used to feed ours treats of freeze dried krill. Of course hard to tell how much he really liked them as he would eat anything that went into the tank like it was it's last meal though. lol

I think you/your mom would be wise to stick with mbuna in this tank. Not saying they are a fish for stupid people, but they do require much less intervention with the teritories and are a lot more forgiving when compared to some of the other cichlids. Probably about as close to a 'Setup let'em go' type cichlid as there is.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Thanks Orion, sounds good to me! :) I'm thinking I might just go with Hikari because it's easier to get ahold of. I can't find anything but the one NLS.

My oscar gets tube. cubes, blood worms, baby shrimp, plankton, and krill as treats, he seems to like them all, but as you said, anything that falls into that tank is pretty much gone. Although lately he has lost all intrest in the tube cubes.

Thanks for the tips, that's what I am looking for since noone will be there enough to keep an eye on them all the time. I'll make sure to make plenty of hiding places and such, I know she would really like a Pleco or some ottos though, she always wants a 'sucker fish', is there anything that could handle these guys, but not take up all the stock room?