Moving an Anenome safely?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Cricket, what about trying some meaty fish bits such as salmon, halibut or some other saltwater fish. Something high in Omega 3 fatty acids that will help him out. That is why I feed the silversides as it is a whole fish and I think it is better than just shrimp. Someone told me to try formula 1 frozen but it is usually melts away before it eats it all, and mysis and brine are just too much work for the nutritional value. I do have some blended food I made up that I will try that has fresh clam, seaweed, formula 1 flake and shrimp along with selcon and cyclopeeze in it. I am not sure it will hold together in the water though long enough for the anemone to eat it.

I usually feed mine by hand, then I keep my hand close by to shoo all the raiders away until the anemone has a good grip and closed over the food. The peppermint and sally lightfoot are always stealing......My percula clowns don't even know of the anemone's existence........yet

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Thanks Lorna. I am so pleased that he is feeding and that his future looks brighter (even though he has a long way to go). He would still be doomed if you hadn't taken an interest so please accept my, his, and Omen's sincere thanks. *celebrate

I have some Omega 3 capsules which I can add to the sea food mix when I blend the next batch. Perhaps I'll make a blend which is specific to him. I'm still trying to find a source for silversides. I have a couple more places to try.

I was concerned about the anenome eating his food frozen and was thawing the meat out in a glass of tank water before offering it. From what you said you've suggested there is no need for to thaw it (so long as it holds together long enough for him to take it) so that'll make things easier.

I'll keep you posted as to progress. :)