Moving(Upgrading) my goldfish + plants from 30G fish-tank to tall 46 G fish-tank


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
yes . i accidently choose water-wisteria as my plant, and it absolutely outpaces goldfish eating pace. cobamba had no chance, its gone. goldies are not doing anything to moss-balls.

Now i am thinking of getting something which will give me Long-Tall leaves in background. any suggestion? it must be thick leaves, I already have excel to dose and next week will get dry-ferts, the substrate has thin layer of ADA amazonia-II soil too, so my bases are covered.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
lets see, i am asking for Aponogeton crispus from one hobbyist here and will ask him for some more big plants.

i want fast growing big plants which will keep breathing lots of oxygen in this tank, the tank has heavy lights (will have heavy lights) , mix rich substrate and dry ferts + diy co2+excel. so should work ( in theory :p ).


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
well. i wanted to get pic today and i found the water all fouled up and cloudy.

nothing to worry, I already said the goldie pair were extremely extremely excited for past 2 days in this new tank, so from morning they have engaged in the spawning ritual and water was fouled with all the milt spread by male :( Dammit, he had to get horny today itself.

well maybe tomorrow. for the pics.

Feb 27, 2009
For tall plants that are more or less 'goldie-proof,' you might try some Amazon swords and narrow-leaf java. That type of java looks like thick grass and can be used as a background plant in taller tanks.

This photo (my otos were spawning while a Celestial Pearl Danio watched!) shows the narrow-leaf java plant.


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Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
yea, i wish too :( .

but good news is, there are some hobbyists in my city already who have planted tank, i am in contact with them, but some wont ship, will need to visit house and get it i guess.

so i have some trips this weekend.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
The water is totally clean , but still i will do 40%-50% w.c tomorrow (the water quality goes extremely bad after that egg spawning ritual and my male popeye is huge and he does pack lot of milt :( even 46 G tank got totally cloudy) .

Maybe by this weekend I will start taking pics/vids as I will be having those NEW plants as i told earlier.

It turns out the hobbyists who I was tracking lives RIGHT IN my area. I was posting on a indianhobbyist site and thought i might be getting someone in another corner of the country. Will update on my purchase of plants, he has crypts ferns and the whole thing.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
:) thanks, i really didnt even think of looks when planting, i just thrashed them in really so when i know what i did, it does look good. wish i had some good time and friend at hand to properly sort this out.

BTW i have setup another 20G tank in my room, just for killies and planted small shoots of water-wisteria, cabomba (rescued from goldfish tank) and some dwarf-sag, i am carefully going to make moss wall in this killietank. might upload a video soon, I am making sure i keep a video journal even if i am not uploading here.