My 20 gal...Finally

Well after much procrastination on my part... and some prodding by a select few on here...:rolleyes:, I finally decided to post some pics of my 20 gal "upgrade".

Full tank shot

Left side of tank (sorry its a little blurry) :rolleyes:

Right side of tank

My Brain :p

Pagoda, Sun coral and some shrooms

Random shot

final full shot

Looking good! That is a nice big cluster of what looks like green strip mushrooms if I'm correct... kinda hard to see on this computer.
Yeah Salty Waters, those are Green Stripe Mushrooms and they (I think ;) ) were the very first corals I bought.

Your brain is bigger then I thought...........
It was never a question of how big my brain was Limi....Its the size of my fish that matters *laughingc

so what light do you have on that tank?
Itys a 130 watt PC light, with 12k and true actinic 03 bulbs from coral life

And to everyone else thanks for the comments *celebrate