Well people since y'all asked for an update, here's whats been going on...
First off I started this project
I was going to put eveything in my 20 gal into this tank and build up from there......But
Back on Jan 3, 2007 we had a house fire that destroyed 1 side of my house*SICK* , luckily enough though it wasnt the side of my house that my tanks were on. I have since then been trying to salvage what I could out of my house as well as trying to find somewhere new to live, which has taken quite a bit of my time lately.
I did not lose any of my fish, how this happened I have yet to figure out, I did lose a few corals, I lost my hammer coral, a torch coral and my monti caps. have moved the 20 gal to my parent's house, which also happens to be where my wife and I are currently residing *crazysmil , and have it running sumpless for the time being. My 55 gal Brackish tank I completely dis-assembled and put into storage, I took all of my fish, except my GSP to my LFS to find new homes. The tank from the link above also survived and it is currently in storage as well.
So, for now I'm only maintaining my 20 gal and not adding anything else until I get settled into a new home, which hopefully will be very soon.
So thats my story, Happy New Year's Brack-Man ha..ha...ha *crazysmil
Coolwaters...I probably have $600-$800 into so far...but thats including corals and all....I buy all of my corals locally.