My Debate....Need Suggestions


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I added my cories the other day and ya'll are right. They are great!! I love 'em!! In the begining my tetras would swim around but spent most of their time sitting still in the back of the tank. But as soon as I put them in all of my fish came to life (and stayed that way :)). Now they swim and they will sit in the front and kind of show off. I LOVE CORIES!! Everyone should have them in their tanks. lol. jk.

i might get some cories soon :) i was originally planning on getting corries in my 20gallon but i already stocked the whole thing with fish from my 40 gallon so i could accomodate the angels i got and soon i might get some cherry shrimp in the 20 gallon to add a little more color but if i ever do find someone to take the flying foxes (in my 40 gallon) i'm gonna remove them and replace them with a few cories :)