my frog wont eat!


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i got a african dawrf frog a couple of days ago and it prety much stays at the bottom of the tank behind a big piece of diffwood not doing a lot i put live bloodworm in and freeze dried bloodworm in too but it wont eat. because the food doesnt sink and he stays at the bottom of the tank no food gets to him and he wont come to the suface to eat. what do i do? has any one had a problem like this? thanks for any help.

Jul 31, 2003
Clemson, SC
well, i have had a frog before. What i did was put a wrap around weight around each square of tubeflex worms i gave em. when he was done eating that square i took the weight off and used it again for the next feeding time. However, the wieght i had broke in half after a while, and i dont know why. So you could try that.

Jul 31, 2003
Clemson, SC
#9 there another type of food you can get that sinks? Because i dotn know what to do other than get somehting that sinks. :( sorry!! wish i could help more. My frog dissappeared about a month later. Im thinking my angelfish ate him. He was pretty small. How big is your frog?

mine is under a inch about 3/4 of an inch i put a ruler on the glass not very accurate i no but the best mesurment. i have some sinking tables aswell but hes not bothed about them :( im going to put some leetuce in and see if hes bothered about that. he doesnt move much just stays in the corner under the wood :(

was your frog active? did it swim with your fish? is there any way i could sink the worms put them in a bottle or something? and did your frog every eat from the suface? thanx.

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Jul 31, 2003
Clemson, SC
my frog was very active. He stayed at the bottom most of the time, but swam around. My frog did occasionally swim to the surface but not to eat. I dont think there is any way to sink those worms unless u get one of those wrap around weights and try it. I dont think itll work but you can try and see. Another thing i did with the squares of worms i had was stick them to the glass. I put my hand down in the water and pressed them hard up against the glass and stayed there for about 30 seconds. Then they would stick to the glass for a few minutes. However they did release from the glass and float up. You can try and see if thatll work.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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He has to move sometimes because they need to breath air. Try taking some in your hand and put it in front of him. If not you could get him his own little tank. My sister had two in a 2g for almost 2 years. She fed them freeze dried bloodworms.


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2003
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My frog (Francie) did the same thing when I first got her. She hid and didn't eat much. After about a week she was swimming all over the place and eating just fine.She eats once a day and I use tubifex worms that come in little blocks. I take a piece off and stick it to the tank and she usually finds it. Every one in a while I give her frog and tadpole bites. I put a straw in the water and drop the pellets into it so they will sink down to her and the fish wont eat them all. I hope this helps!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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They look like this []. The squares are frozen food but they are kinda big. They should be in the freezer at your lfs or lps. If it is to big then just cut in half or quarters.

sorry didnt see your post there bebarbo the staw ideas smart ill try that aswell mabe its just settilng in like yours did i wish i could find thes blocks ill have a really good look next time i go to the lfs (which is tomorrow to replace a dead otto :() ill see if i can get some thanks for the help.

and you got yours post in aswell fishman! ill go back and make sure i dont miss any posts fishman can you look aswell i think you may have missed one. i do have bottom feeders i have 3 yo yo loaches so they will proberbly go for them and the frog will get scared and swim away proberbly. thanks for the pics fishman there better than nothing :) your in america right they should have those over here ill keep an eye out tomorrow. i tryed the wieght worm things but it didnt work ill try the stawthing now i think mabe hes settilng in ill watch him for a week and see how he does.

BTW i see you changed your avatar fishman looks better! :)

and davy you got posts in! is my computer slow or something? sorry about this it looks like im not replaying to certain people. davy thanks yes i have seen him move he darts to the suface then back down agin to get air right? i cant get my hand in though because hes in a real tight spot and my lpshops dont have feezers! ill look though when i get there i did think about a tank of his own i hes an african clawed forg i think ill have to. would he need a filter and heater in a little tank? thanks. and was the food your sister feed them the same as the food in my pictures?

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