my frog wont eat!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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No problem at all. If the frog is going to the surface then it's getting air. Are african clawed frogs the ones that get really big? If they are then you need a medium sized tank for him. If it is one of the small ones then a 2g will be fine. My sisters tank had an UGF but no heater. We live in Arizona so it never gets cold and the light keeps it warm too. The food she fed them looked the exact same but it was made by Tetra and was in a pink container.

yeah its the clawed ones that get big how big do you mean by midium size tank 5g? hmm my bros got a spare filter i suppose that could work but im not planning on moving anything its just if worse comes to worse you no? did the food your sis put in sink if not did the frogs come up and get it off the suface?

BTW- im pettry sure its a normal dwarf though ive been on websites and its basilly if the feet are webbed its a dwarf if not a clawed and my frogs feet are webbed.

UPDATE i was just looking at my tank and :eek: my frog was actually out from behind the plants and diffwood! is this because the light is off and its night time are they more active at night soft of notunal or do they just feel safer at night time? it was swimming along the front then into some rocks i put a sinking table in for it but my other fish ate it and i put some worms in but they stayed on the suface left untouched. it swims really stange it quite cool and it has a pink underbelly i kept watching it then it darted up and got some air it made a really stange noise like someone scerwed up some paper or something anway im just glad to see him out and about :D

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Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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If it's a clawed frog then I think they get like 5" or so. At least a 10g would be needed for one of them. If it is a dwarf like you are wondering it is then a small 2g will work. The difference between a clawed frog and a dwarf frog is the number of toes. Clawed frogs have 3 and dwarf have 4, I think. How many does yours have?

My sister put the food on the surface and in a minute or two they would come to the surface to eat it. I think they find food by smell (that's what my sister said) so it takes longer for them to find in than fish.

yeah they do find it by smell my frog has...i cant see right now sorry hes go himself into a cosy little spot were i cant see his feet i put it on as soon as i no. i going to my lps in a bit so hopefully ther ewill has some sinking squares and im going to get some live bloodworms as well.

yeah they do find it by smell my frog has...i cant see right now sorry hes go himself into a cosy little spot were i cant see his feet i put it on as soon as i no. i going to my lps in a bit so hopefully there will be some sinking squares and im going to get some live bloodworms as well.

yeah they do find it by smell my frog has...i cant see right now sorry hes go himself into a cosy little spot were i cant see his feet i put it on as soon as i no. i going to my lps in a bit so hopefully there will be some sinking squares and im going to get some live bloodworms as well.

just got back from the lps and i got some frozen bloodworm sqaures! i also got a big net (something ripped though my other one) and an otto making it 2 again :) i took some pics then put them in the freezer do i have to keep them there and just get them when i feed my frog? these are the squares so will these float and i either stick em to the side or put a wieght on them? im not sure if my frog will eat these though i think my other fish will get to them and he ll get scared but ill try em here are the pics do yours look like this?


yeah he is eating uncutbulldog i just saw him today when i put a frozen blood worm square in i put it in and it floated so i took it out put a plant wieght on it and it sunk stright to the bottom i put the fishs flake in aswell to keep the other fish away i watched the square after 2 mins or so i saw he edge his way out slowly then he got closer amd closer it had to be 5 minites at least the square was pretty full stil even with my yo yo loaches and tiger barbs pecking at it he did the stangest thing he darted stight to the suface to get some air then darted stight back down into the square the worms went everywhere! he stayed in the square bit for about 5 seconds the worms were all over his head it looked like he was wearing a bloodworm wig! lol it was funny then he went under the diffwood and eat some then tried to bury himself under neath the diffwood and into the gravel i came back later and saw most of the square had gone so i took out to wieght and he was there eating i didnt even see him he went back under the wood after that. but he comes out more now i think hes settling in to the tank im just glad hes eaten :) i think ill put a square in 3 times a week - monday wednesday and saturday something like that. but the worms are still in the gravel my yo yos will clean them up later :)

BTW- my frog has looks like 5 toes on his feet three have webbing in between and 2 have 2 little black things on them so im preety darn sure its an african dwarf frog and he ll live happy in the 25 gallon with the other fishies :)


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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My frozen bloodworms sink after the fish pull it apart but if it is still stuck together then it will float. Maybe dwarf frogs have 5 toes and clawed frogs have 4 toes. Something like that. I'm glad your frog is eating! Usually when a fish (or frog) hasn't eaten in a while and finally do, they perk up. Thats probably what happened.