Well, he has been in his Q tank for about 5 hours..Hiding in his faux rock cave.
I have him in a 10 g tank with Double HOB,an air pump, temp of about 78. Water params are Ammonia 0, Trites 0,trates 0 pH 6.9...I put some algae wafers in there, but he has not touched them. Just hiding out in his cave. I have the light on, but with a blue plexiglass over it. kind of subdued abit, so it is not so bright. OK , I am looking for input from the PLECO experts here. Am I doing ok so far? Is there anything else I need to do? Should I put a powerhead in there for added circulation? Been thinking about putting a few shrimp pellets in there also. I have been on planet catfish reading up on them, plus other places for over a month. I still have alot of questions.