My Gold Nugget is in!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California

Just make sure you do your scheduled water change before you add him to the tank (hopefully he's going into a Q-tank). They are extremely sensitve to water parameter changes when you first get them, so it's better to give him a few days or a week before you do a water change.

Yes , he is going into a Q tank for a few weeks.....I have one on my bedroom, Nice and quiet in there ... better for him to adjust. I have had a Yellow Lab in there up until tonight. Do you think about a 50% WC would suffice? Plus I will be running Carbon before he comes home. The Big tank he will be in houses German Blue Rams and Rummy Nosed Tetras, and a RTBS. The Water in that tank is always pristine.... I have had my Rams now for almost a year. I know their water has to be pristine. And The Rummy Nosed Tetra's noses are ALWAYS bright red.

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Well, he has been in his Q tank for about 5 hours..Hiding in his faux rock cave.
I have him in a 10 g tank with Double HOB,an air pump, temp of about 78. Water params are Ammonia 0, Trites 0,trates 0 pH 6.9...I put some algae wafers in there, but he has not touched them. Just hiding out in his cave. I have the light on, but with a blue plexiglass over it. kind of subdued abit, so it is not so bright. OK , I am looking for input from the PLECO experts here. Am I doing ok so far? Is there anything else I need to do? Should I put a powerhead in there for added circulation? Been thinking about putting a few shrimp pellets in there also. I have been on planet catfish reading up on them, plus other places for over a month. I still have alot of questions.


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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
As plecocollector said, they prefer meaty foods. They're fairly shy fish, so give him some time. It's possible he'll sneak some food when you're not there and the lights are off.

I think with two HOBs you should be fine for dissolved oxygen in the tank (which is what they need more than water movement).

As in meaty foods... you mean bloodworm,krill,brine shrimp? I have them all both frozen and freeze dried. Even have the shrimp pellets. Sorry about all the questions. I plan on doing 5 to 10 % WC everyday to every other day. Do you think this would be too much? I want everything to be PERFECT for this little guy...spent a small fortune on him already. I dont want to mess it up. I did throw in a slice of a Cuke earlier.. Guess I will take it out. My Goodness, I feel like a new parent...I go in to check on him about 4 times an hour. Abit ridiculous, but oh well.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Mine goes for shrimp pellets. Possibly bloodworms.

Be real careful with those water changes. I lost my first gold nugget by doing a water change a few days after I had gotten him. I can't stress how sensitive they can be in the first week or so.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Since you've been researching them, you do know how big they will get right? Do you plan on getting a bigger tank when he gets 15+" long? There is a gold nugget that stays around 6", but you got the big one (L018). Most lfs stores that I've been to don't realize there are actually 3 different types of plecs labeled gold nugget, so they tell people that they only get 6" even though most of them are L018's. Just wanted to make sure your aware of that :)

Congrats on the new addition btw. I originally got one before I got my L204, and I really wanted to keep him but I learned that he was an L018 rather than an L081 like I was told :(

You know what ? Here are diff pics of the 3 diff types. look at them and tell me what you think:
Here is the L081:PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Baryancistrus sp(l081)

Here is the L177:PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Baryancistrus sp(l177)

Here is the L018:PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Baryancistrus sp(l018)

From what I could see... the L081 has smaller spots than the L018... and mine looks like a L018. If so, I am going to raise hell at the LFS for lying to me.

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