My Gold Nugget is in!

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
He looks like an L081 to me, since he has the larger spots. The spots of the L177 are more oval shaped.
Feeding wise: bloodworms, brine shrimp, all the good stuff. Try dropping it close to him before turning out the lights and I bet he'll munch away at it while you're not looking ;)

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I don't know about you guys, but I've never seen a Pleco get to what they consider "max size". I haven't had mine long enough to say on certain species, but honestly, most Gold Nuggets that are sold are L081s and I've never heard of one in captivity getting to 15".


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Most people don't feed them enough to get anywhere need max size. Most people report only very slow growth....
No fish is sensitive to water changes done properly. Match the temperature and pH and you can change as much as you want. In all honesty if you swap out 10% and the water temps are off by 3 or 4 degrees work ouit what the bulk change in water temperature is for the entire tank.

Just found him on the FLOOR!

What the hell!!!! He was doing great. There is only about a 1/2 inch gap between the glass top and the side of the tank... I was doing EVERYTHING under the sun to make this lil guy happy and healthy, only to find that he jumped out of the tank. Geez, what else could go wrong? I am SOOOOO Pissed off at myself, I dont know what to do. There goes $50.00 down the toilet.....GOD I am so disgusted in myself...........