my julidochromis regani


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
They probably weren't referring to the hood, but rather to rock and plant cover. Hides are good, but you should have some well planted area for this guy as well. Floating plants are excellent for providing an added sense of security. Live plants are always a plus, but they even sell plastic floating plants if you are really opposed to keeping live ones.
ummm rocks and plastic plants are fine for them.... they will pick any live plants to death. Cichlids don't generally do well with plants. Mine dig up my plastic plants for chrissakes. yikes

Feb 17, 2011
They are not talking about the lid on the fish tank. The kind of cover that julies want is small caves to hide in (they also spawn in the caves, when the time comes).
Put some empty flowerpots, ceramic vases, PVC pipe sections, piles of rocks with spaces between the rocks, or similar "cover" in the tank, so that you have more of these hiding places than the number of fish in the tank.