My Purple Hornets


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
They are dead and gone, $360 down the drain, lol. They were doing good and growing up until the time we had to catch the Kline Butterfly fish. I don't really know if catching that fish was their down fall or not, but I tend to think it was. We had to take all the LR out of the tank and stired up the water pretty bad, really bad it was pretty murkey and the Purple Hornets never recovered. I had several other frags that didn't make it either. Now, that being said, It could also be a problem stemming from my over feeding of the fish as the frags I have left in the tank, as I have said in my over feeding post, they look nice but really aren't growing, with one exciption. My Purple Deaths are growing and really look great. Sooo, I really don't know what the problem is. If you have any ideas, I would here your thoughts on this.