my sons tank

Jan 15, 2007
Lakeland, FL
If you want to give them away take them to your local Petco and they will take them from you. After a quarantine period they will "adopt" them out for free to another home that won't use them as feeder fish.

Jan 4, 2007
JWright said:
I assume someone has already told you that a 29g is too small for either clown loaches or a common pl*co, right?

yea i already plan on getting rid of the pleco and then later on the clown loaches, but in the near future after i save the money up and move in to my own place (cause right now i am staying with my in-laws, cuz i just got out of the Air Force) plan on upgrading to atleast a 75g and when i do that i plan on replacing the pleco and clown loaches with CAEs and otos. i think i am getting rid of the comets today or next week cause i dont wanna worry about getting a pond and everything else for them.....since i live out in the boone docks around woods were there is foxs, possums, raccoons, bobcats and all that stuff.