My Tank is CYCLED! :D

Feb 27, 2009
I believe OC has a tank she lets get overrun with algae specifically for her otos.
I keep 4.5 WPG on their tank (29 gallons), and the lights are on 16 hours a day, not too much in the way of fertlizer, and no CO2 injection.

The tank does not get 'overrun with algae' with 24 otos in there! I do have to make 'algae logs' and 'algae rocks' in a 5gallon tank tank with 1 gallon of water in it. It has a 10watt light over it, so a bit 'overkill' as far as the WPG rule goes. They also eat lots of veggies.

I do agree that otocinclus should not be added to any tank unless its well planted and stable for 6 months or more. They are very stressed when caught in the wild and unless the tank is mature, they are prone to dying in captivity.

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Feb 27, 2009
I personally would not put an African cichild with a South American cichlid.

But I wouldn't put Asian fish (Pearl Danio and Cherry Barb) with South American fish (Bolivian Ram) or Austrailian fish (Rainbows you are considering) either. I'm really not the person to ask about stocking question like this.

I just don't believe in adding fish to a tank to make it look 'decorated' the way I think is nice. I think if you are going to take a fish into your home, you have an obligation to make its life as 'natural' as possible, which is why I don't mix fish from different areas of the world. I also provide the fish with the plants they live with in the wild. I did make one exception because I have an African fern in a few tanks. It is one of my original plants from many years ago before I even knew what it was.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
in otherwords, fishman should make a biotope? not a bad idea, but i dont think its vey appealing to someone who's just getting into the wonderful world of fish lol. I dont even follow this biotope thing in my tanks, although I am beginning to see its appeal, and will surely do stuff like this in the future.

Feb 27, 2009
in otherwords, fishman should make a biotope? not a bad idea, but i dont think its vey appealing to someone who's just getting into the wonderful world of fish lol. I dont even follow this biotope thing in my tanks, although I am beginning to see its appeal, and will surely do stuff like this in the future.
I'm not suggesting that Fishman1995 (or anyone else) make a biotope. I was just explaining why I am not the best person to ask about what goes with what. *twirlysmi

As long as you are providing as stress-free a life as possible for your critters, go for it!

Sorry for the hijack, Mjnorcal922!

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Well according to what i read, Turquiose jewels are not wild jewels they are bred somehow down the line to get them. And they are also ALOT less agressive than normal jewels so its off to the petstore guys :D i hope they still have him *fingers crossed*

Sorry for Hijack Also OP

Feb 27, 2009
Well according to what i read, Turquiose jewels are not wild jewels they are bred somehow down the line to get them. And they are also ALOT less agressive than normal jewels so its off to the petstore guys :D i hope they still have him *fingers crossed*
90% of the freshwater fish you see in a typical pet store is not a wild fish, but something bred in captivity. It is still a risk to mix an African (even if it is a hybrid) and South American species. Good luck.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Awwww! They're like Grover...only little (Grover is now almost 3.5", about the same size as my albino rainbow shark, but much bulkier)! :D Good choice, Fishman! You'll love them. Just make sure to provide them with good hiding places (Grover's favorite hiding place is in this little cave that is made where I have a rock propped against the driftwood in the 29gal to hold the driftwood down). Now you've made me want another one. lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Don't get any more SA BB cats. They get to be about 4" and two is PLENTY in a 20gL.

Do they look identical in body shape except for the markings? I ask because the one on the bottom looks different than the other. I know in your thread in the general forum you said something about one of them being territorial with the other. I'm wondering if maybe you got an Asian BB cat and a SA BB cat instead of two SAs. The SA BB cat has a wider, more catfish head than the Asian variety does.

Asian BB cat:
Pseudomystus siamensis • Bagridae • Cat-eLog • PlanetCatfish

SA BB cat:
Microglanis iheringi • Pseudopimelodidae • Cat-eLog • PlanetCatfish