Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
I took these will keeping an eye on my tank after the accident with the thermometer. Hope you like them!


Last edited:
Jan 9, 2005
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Do you like the Brittle starfish, i've always thought they're rediculously cool looking. But i hear they're pretty boring in the tank, Which isn't bad, only that i have a 10 gallon tank and i'm trying to put some interesting livestock in there

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
1979camaro said:
looks pretty a full tank pic?

how do you like your sally lightfoot?
I will work on getting a full tank shot shortly.

As for the Sally Lightfoot...this crab rocks! He is lightning fast and when I feed the tank he actual bolts up onto his last legs and reaches out at passing food. I sware I actually saw him jump about an inch of a rock to grap passing food, but he was so fast I'm note 100% on that. He eats alot, which is good; keeps my tank clean! He was quite expensive though at $29.99 Canadian, but worth it in my mind.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
DustinKeating said:
Do you like the Brittle starfish, i've always thought they're rediculously cool looking. But i hear they're pretty boring in the tank, Which isn't bad, only that i have a 10 gallon tank and i'm trying to put some interesting livestock in there
The Brittle Star is very benificial to the home aquarium, as it gets into all the little nucks and crannies in the LR and cleans up the waste, helping to keep water quality good. The onlytime you will really see him completely out, is at night when the lights are very low and he is scavenging for food, or when I feed the tank you will see parts of his tenticals sticking out. He wrestles for food with alot of the other tank occupants(as shown in my one pic with the Olive Snail) He usually wins!

I would have to agree with 1979camaro on your tank size being to small. They get pretty big, mine if completely streched out is about a good 10-12" in accross, the main body is only maybe 1 1/2".

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
KahluaZzZ said:
Hey SALTY WATERS, did you ever ordered stuff from ?
Based in ontario.
Wanna know 'cause their prices are low and no provincial tax from quebec is applicable if they ship here.

BTW nice the lion
No, I get all my stuff at Big AL's. They are the best in my area and they will match prices on most things. I do believe there online shops do to, but you would have to check(they do not ship live stock though) As well most of the staff have been there for years, so they know there stuff. Plus the have a points program and it adds up! (man I should be a spokes person for them) or am I already....? LOL (I'm not)


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Yeah there's one bigal in the west island..bought some stuff there, but their prices kinda suck. At , you can choose the american site or canadian...and compare the prices...we're getting screwed. Also the "points" give you like 5 % when you buy for 2000 $ or more ;)
At least they have a lot of stuff and their livestock look healthy.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
KahluaZzZ said:
Yeah there's one bigal in the west island..bought some stuff there, but their prices kinda suck. At , you can choose the american site or canadian...and compare the prices...we're getting screwed. Also the "points" give you like 5 % when you buy for 2000 $ or more ;)
At least they have a lot of stuff and their livestock look healthy.

Tell me about it! I priced out some aquitment on both US and Canadian site, for what I need it totaled approx $1000.00 USD and if I bought from Canadian it was about $2400.00 CND even with the exchange it's like half the price DAME YOU AMARICANS and your cheap prices! (lol) I think I 'll have my girlfriends uncle order it to his place in Boston and then take a trip down there to pic it up. I know the owner of the BigAL's in my area now pretty good and he said he would see what he could do about pricing for me when I'm ready to buy.

As for there prices in I said they are pretty good at matching competetors prices on alot of items; at least the one I deal with is.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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I checked 2 stores in ontario on-line and usually you pay less then us...even tough we're close to the states too.
For the livestock, i found a guy not so far from here and his store is at his house..very cool corals and fish for half the price everywhere.
But finding the hardware is always a problem.

Oh well just check the prices are very sweet. You have a 7 % tax in ontario right ? ( we have 15 % here grrrr )