Is it safe to put an anti-fungal medication into a tank that has been treated with anti-ick medication? I've been treating my tank for an 'ick' outbreak that came in when I bought a couple of neon tetras that must have had it, the other day. I seem to have dealt with the 'ick', but I have two 16 year old feather-fin catfish who have gone through a lot over the years, and always been healthy and happy - until 'ick' came along. One has left her cave (a very large conch shell she has called home for a very long time!) and let the other, smaller, but healthier cat have it. She has a white foggy film over her eyes now, and some white-ish stuff trailing from her side. Pet store says it's fungal thing, so I bought the 'Api fungus cure' kit for it. I took in a bottle of tank water and she said all the numbers are spot on, so the water quality is good. I am ready to bail out a few gallons of water and replace it, and should put another dose of 'Jungle Ick Cure' in, but so badly want to treat Mildred before she dies in there! Help? Thanks...