1. I am pretty knowledgable about fish keeping thanks to thi site, so SHUT UP!!!
2. Sorry I yelled, I don't like to be talked about like that.
3. The tank is cycled, I put some stuff called Stress Zyme to cycle it, the guy at the LFS, and some people on here said it would work.
4. I also put in Stress Coat.
5. I am 13, and resent the fact that you called me a kid, seeing as how you failed to capitalize sentences right.
I'm sorry, yell at me now everybody, I just HAD to get that out of me. I'm sorry that I typed that, not that I said it, if that makes any sense.......
Well I didn't get the otos, I'm going to do a bit more reaserch, and go back to the store tomorrow and look around (I'm hoping to get some dwarf hamsters, they were so freakin cute!!!!).