Need help with Pacu someone gave me!! eekk!

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
If you don't agree with something its fine to express your own opinion, but you don't have to keep beating the subject into the ground.

For some strange reason I have a feeling that the original poster will not be back. I do hope is able to have a good outcome from his find.

(delta- Its over man, there's nothing left ;))

Chazwick said:
Ewww - That's disgusting. How can you call yourselfs fish lovers? Don't eat them. Donate them to a nice home and do as somebody said - Advertise. :D
Well do I have permission to eat the little bass/sunfish that was in the inherited tank that I now own? It is a naturally caught fish, but just so happens to be in my fishtank now! Just wanted to add to the devil's advocacy going on in this forum.

You've got a point there GoldLenny! I was born and raised in New Iberia and was lucky enough to get stationed back home for a while. I have been to Japan, Thailand, and the Phillippines. Thailand is the only place that has similar spices to Louisiana, but even their spices are just straight fire without any real flavoring. Just think about what Cajuns eat: pickled pig's feet, fried alligator, just about any animal that lives in the wild. Not to mention the crawfish, or crayfish by dictionary. A lot of other people that I have run across ask me how I can possibly eat them. I tell them, boiled with garlic, lemon, seasoning, chicken legs, hot dogs, corn, potatoes, etc. Just about anything that can fit into the pot.


You better watch out for them radical members of PETPF... People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants and Fruit. You know that plants and trees have feelings too. And then there are the PETW... People for the Ethical Treatment of Water... so don't drink anything either.

While we're on the subject of PETA... did you hear the latest news where they compared ALL people who keep animals to SLAVERY. They are being blasted by the NAACP because of this new campaign. They got blasted by the Jewish people and ADL not too long ago when they compared chicken farming to the Holocaust. PETA are just a bunch of whacked out tree-huggers who KILL 85% of the animals they purport to save. That is documented and admitted to by PETA. 85% of the animals they rescue are KILLED by PETA because they claim they cannot afford to feed them. They euthanize them rather than give up their world travels in their Lear Jets and trips to Hollywood to hang out with the leftists and commies who want to send us back to the dark ages.... at least as Cavemen, we could eat lots of meat! FIRE! FIRE!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
ENOUGH! For goodness sake you guys. Lenny that was uncalled for even though people who agree with you find it funny...its uncalled for. We need to be open to the fact that people have different opinions and we need to respect them even if we dont agree with them.

I'm going to close this thread unless the original person who posted the thread PM's one of the moderators (or me) and lets us know they'd like it reopened. Its gone well past its usefulness.

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