need some help


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oakland, NJ
It sounds pretty good. I would add at least another 10lbs of live rock when you can. The fluval will work fine as another powerhead. You can put some base rock in it also to increase your biofiltration.
I'm not sure what lighting you have but if it is NO flourescent lighting you will have a difficult time keeping any corals. You might be able to keep some mushrooms but thats about it. You will need to upgrade to power compacts for most softies and some LPS. If you want sps corals, you will have to go with metal halide lighting.


ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Visit site
What kind of flourescent should I get how many watts. Remember Right now I only have striplight that takes onr bulb.;) when can I add new coral, softies,LPS,sps corals? On some my live rock I have some kind of leather growing already. It's about an inch long.on two other rocks some kind of anemones is growing. It's white with thin like thing all around it, and about 1/2 inch long. where should I put the power head? the fluval is on the let side the water out at the top hit the front of the tank.

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Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oakland, NJ
Please see my earlier post where I stated

"Before changing your lighting I would suggest you decide what you want to keep in this tank. Fish only, or reef. If fish only, you can use your current lighting. If reef, then what type of corals would you like to keep?. Softies, LPS, SPS? For softies and most LPS you could get by with a 2 x 55 watt power compact fixture. For SPS I Would recommend metal halide."

You should do some research regarding corals to see what you would like to keep. Some examples are: leather is a soft coral. A Brain coral is LPS. Acropora are SPS.

I would place the powerhead on the opposite side from your canister return.



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oakland, NJ
Has your tank cycled yet? Have you purchased appropriate lighting for the corals you intend to keep?
I know it is difficult, but I would wait at least a couple of months before adding any corals. Most tanks take at least 6 months to stabilize. You also should research any coral you plan to purchase to make sure you have the correct environment. For LPS you need to buy tests for calcium and alkalinity. Since LPS corals have a hard skeleton, they need a high calcium level to keep growing.
