new 37 gallon reef


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
k. went out and got 6 more various snails yesterday, along with a colony of zoas. didnt even take 'em a half hour to open up. pics later.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
kay, i got my 24" refugium w/ protein skimmer and set it up today. didnt come with any effin instructions, so I had to work purely with my knowledge of protein skimmers, which is very, very little. I set it up how i thouht was correct according to a pic off the internet, and put it on the back of the tank. now, however, the water level in the protein skimmer chamber is the same as in the fuge part. is that right? also, there are no bubbles in the protein skimmer part, so what is suppost to collect? i need help!


Small Fish
Jul 22, 2008
What kind of skimmer is it? With the pump running, the water level is independant of the level in the refugium, and is adjustable. You also need to have air being brought into the system to generate the foam.

Did you check the manufacturer's web site for instructions?


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
well, I got the thing from aquatraders, so they have absolutely nothing on the website. it's a bakpak skimmer w/refugium, and I have an air pump hooked up to the powerhead now, so it's bubbling plenty. I'm pretty sure I got it all fixed now. thanks, though. I'm sure I'll need alot more help along the way.
as far as livestock goes, I have my clown, a couple zoa colonies, a small kenya tree that I just got yesterday, as well as a xenia frag. all corals are doing good, exept the xenia, which got a little stressed out. also some chaeto in the fuge. Sorry for the lack of pics-my camera is getting all messed up. but dont worry, more pics are coming soon! :D


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
thanks alot mlipst- i searched for awhile and couldnt find anything! that'll be a great help.
k, so here are the water parems as of 2/4:
PH-around 8.0 (hard to tell if it was higher or not, but it is not any lower)
ammonia-0 ppm.
nitrite-0 ppm.
nitrate-0 ppm.
temp.:78-80 degrees farenheit.

my xenia is thriving now, but the kenya tree isnt. what's the prob? it's fuzzy-looking, put super pale. dead? too much light/ flow?

it's all lookin good other than that, though, so tomorrow I'm takin a trip to the lfs to get a shrimp goby and possibly a pistol shrimp, a bangaii cardinal if they have one, and some corals. think i'm ready for sps? montipora or acropora or somthing? if not, i think i'll get some softies or lps.

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Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
oops... yesterday afternoon I got a couple small birdsnest frags before i saw your post... they aren't doing bad, though...
I also got some other stuff, including a firefish. heres a list, with new stuff in parenthesis:
1 occeleris clown
(1 firefish)
some zoas
(a ricordea)
(2 birdsnest)
(1 fuzzy little sps mystery frag)
(1 flowerpot coral)
a couple shrooms

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Large Fish
Aug 2, 2009
man, mlipst, I wish I had seen ur post before I went out for corals.... sps is not doin that great. not terrible, but not great, either... oh well. everything else is doing very nicely. my clown fish is trying to host my flowerpot coral, which is AWESOME (i think), but my firefish jumped,proving that i need to get a top to replace the broken one i took off.
oh well... there's only so much a 13 year old can do...
parems are still zero across the board, and I am currently dosing nano reef part a and b, as well as occasional purple tech. I am starting to reconsider my stocking plans for fish. shrimp goby and cardinal are both a must, but now that I actually have coral, I am more worried about a dwarf angel being reef safe or not. also, I dont know if a hawkfish might eat my ornamental shrimp. as for the wrasse, I dont know if it will have enough room. any input?

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