New 5.5 g Nano !!!

Well I finally decided to go the Nano Route!!! I had a spare 5.5 g tank just sitting around doing nothing... So I decided to start up a nano tank.
Here are my stats:

5.5 g tank
Rio 200 power head with a turnover rate of 100g/hr
Aqua Clear 30 HOB filter with the used media from older SW tank
100 watt compact flourescent light
approx.6 lbs of live rock...2 lbs from my established SW tank and 4 lbs of new cured LR
5lbs of fine grain sand
Water from my other SW tank.

My numbers are on day 3 of setup:
Am 0
temp....82 to 84...with heater ( All Aquaruim 50 watt) turned all the way down, cant seem to get it lower
SG...1.020 Need to raise the Sal and SG abit.

Here is my question...With me using the media, LR and water from my older tank.... Ya think this should be cycled or close to it?:confused:

Here are some pics:
light on

light off

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Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
u might want to get a second powerhead for the other side or else stuff gets built up on one side.

theres a 25 watt heater out there or u can get 2 of thos 7.5 watts. just a note the temperature will rise in the summer.

i took the top of my tank off for a while to clean it and it dropped 3-4 degrees F.

the way u tested your water im guessing its a FOWLR.

Update on nano

Well here I am on day 6 of my Nano Log.
Here they are:
another Rio 180 powerhead
Penguin mini bio-wheel for surface movement (changed out my AC HOB, because of the Sand getting into the impeller and ruining it) and this one is cheaper to
25 watt Visi-therm heater... Temp is down now to about 80
1 1/2 lb of more LR ..Total of about 7.5 lbs

Here are a few pics: My numbers are:

Here is the new aquascape....I am not sure I am satisfied with it just yet:

Just a waiting game now.*SLEEPING*

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Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
the book says if u aim the powerheads upwards at an angle there will be more flow and even flow. but thats wat i did...

i want to make a sump but dont think my parents will want me to drill my tank...

btw your using the 100watt light for anemones right?

I have been messing with the position of the Powerheads. I cant seem to find the right way to position them so I wont have any dead spots. Anybody have any ideas on how I can fix this?
Remember this is a little 5.5 g with a Rio 200 and 180 on both sides.
I am open to suggestions!!!:D

Here are some pics of what I am talking about:

left side with dead spot:

Right side:

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YahooFishKeeper said:
haha... wow... get your own thread cool... this is like the third that youve jacked.

sweet tank cindy! cant wait till its done. any idea of what you want to put in it when its done cycling?

I am going to attempt a nano reef with Shrooms and polyps, a few hermits and possibley a purple firefish ( just one, cause they ALOT of $$$$) :eek:


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
in a 5.5 gallon i would think just the 1 rio 200 would be fine since u are also running a hob filter ;) i mean the tank isnt even a foot wide right??? did u have any dead spots before adding the second ph???