New 5.5 g Nano !!!


Well, I am on day 12 of my Nano Cycle:
Here are my numbers:
SG: 1.026
Sal: 35
Temp: 82
Trites: 0
pH: 8.2
Am: .25
Trates: 15

I am still having probs with the dead spots and that damn fine grain sand I bought. I am going to switch it out with Coral Sand. I like the looks of the sand BUT it coats my LR and gets into my PH and HOB Filter. I am afraid that it will ruin them. I dont have any Clean up Crew in there yet, but thinking maybe this weekend. From the numbers, it looks like I am getting close to being cycled!!!! *DRUMMER* Maybe this weekend..!!!
I need to get the Salinity and SG down abit. I have been using SW for my top off water instead of fresh. (Bad Mistake, I know) The evaporation in a small SW tank is really quick I noticed!!! Almost a 1/2 gallon a day!!!..
Well, I just thought I would update you on my newest endeavor!!!
I am open to ANY suggestions, ideas or comments. Thanks!!!!
I ordered this new lighting system last night:

Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Mini-Freshwater & Mini-Aqualights

When it is ready (cycled) I am thinking about adding this:
And this little guy:
Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Firefish, Purple

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Large Fish
Jul 15, 2006
How much wattage are you going to have in there? The lid looks nice and clean, but might give you some heat issues:confused: . That coral is too expensive. Try to find people that have a few frags to sell. Its always cheaper and easier. The fish you want is a good choice:D . Very peaceful and easy to take care of. Dont be tempted to add any more since its a small tank, so make your choice wisely. Looking good so far*PEACE!*

The wattage is this:
Mini-Aqualight includes one 9 watt, true actinic 03 and one 9 watt, 10000°K daylight bulbs. Fixtures are to be used over a glass canopy. 9" x 5" x 2

I ordered a glass top for the tank also.

I am thinking this will be plenty for my small tank. Plus, I am hoping that it will support some small corals. Salties? Let me know if this light will be sufficient.

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Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
for corals they need about 3-5 watts a gallon so a 16-25+ wattage is great

but it really depends on how well the light hits the coral.
try getting some low light coral and place them somewat close to the bulb


Here I am on day 16:


Took out one Powerhead, no more dead spots. I put about 4 lbs. of LS over that fine grain CRAP.... NO Probs at all. Going to head out to LFS and pick up a few hermits and maybe a small snail.
The light I ordered should be here either Tuesday or Wednesday. I ordered it from Fosters and Smith. I am going to pick out some small Coral Frags today, but I am not going to bring them home yet. I will pay for them, but leave them at the LFS until my light gets here.
WOOHOOO.... this is getting exciting!!!!! *twirlysmi


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Get some bumblebee snails if they have any. They stay good and small and are quite attractive, and in a 5g you'll be able to see them a lot.

Firefish are awesome, make sure you don't have anywhere he could jump out.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
I will proudly bear the name "Queen of I-have-pics-of-myself-all-over-the-house" kinda vain.

oooooh-----mom...........want a stupid yellow damsel fish?

if the fish could comprehend me yelling at it through the tank....maybe he would be nice....

stupid fish....



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Cindy just saw your looks great.....I would have stuck out the fine grain sand though as once it gets coated with bacteria it settles down....and if it is still blowing you could always turn down the powerhead a bit until it settles. I think you are probably going to have to take the glass top off as you will have temp issues especially in a tank that small. Try eggcrate. Are you going to put your seasonal backgrounds on this one????? :)

hi everyone!!!!

My lil Nano is doing great!!!! I bought better lighting....24 watt 10,000k power compact..actinic blue/ daylight bulbs. I took Lorna's advice and I ditched the glass top and bought some egg crate. I was having temp issues... I could never it below 80. Right now the temp is holding at 79..:)

My numbers are
Trates..5 ppm
The Cleanup crew are...3 margarita snails, 5 Hermits,1 camel Shrimp
I have a small false percula and a black clown goby..... I took 2 small feather dusters from my bigger tank and put them in the nano tonight. Only one has popped his "Duster" out so far.
I dont have any corals in there as of yet.... I am going to wait til my tank matures alot more and I know it is stable. I do a 1 gallon WC about every 3 days, and feed very sparingly.
For a small tank.... it sure is costing me more than I expected to spend...:eek: :eek:
Oh I forgot.... I ordered a protien first I wasnt going to get one, but thought I better..would be better for the corals. I am really enjoying this latest endeavor, even tho I am going for broke....Oh well, ya only live once!!!!
One of the books I bought that really guided me on this project is " The Nano-Reef Handbook" by Chris R Brightwell. I highly recommend it!!!! It helped me out ALOT!!!!!

Here are some new pics I took tonight;


Nano update.

My Nano is doing great. I recently added a Pulsing Xenia...which to my surprise..had ICH!!!! I had to take out my Clownfish and Black Clown Goby and put them in a Q Tank. I am treating them with Sea Cure...They are looking Great!!!! I will leave them in there for 2 weeks. The Xenia is in a Separate Tank. ( BTW.... I have tanks (6) coming out my Ying Yang AGAIN!!!). Anywho... thought that I would post a few pics of my nano.
I have a Camel Shrimp, 3 Margarita Snails, 5 Hermits, 1 Feather duster and 1 LARGE Green long Tentacle Green Anemone, which is thriving under my lighting...

After the quarentine, the Clown and Clown Goby will go back.....For a small tank, it sure is a $$$$ Pit.. I am thinking that I have spent close to 500.00 on this project so far. *laughingc