New Adition(need a little help) lol

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
well, I just got a couple of hermits(5-blue leg), snails(5-pyramid) and 2 Emrald crabs. I dont think this will be enough as far as a complete clean up crew goes for my tank but it is a start. I also bought a Angel Yellow? I have a pic of it. well, do you guys think these are all cool with my Dotty Back Royal? because my Dottyback strarted picking on my crabs and hermits. I aclimated for about 25-20, min (salt was same as pet store) what do you guys think. are the fish good with the dottyback

Last edited:
Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
um, this yellow Angle has a little red spot on the fin, about the size of an eye on the little smily faces(the ones we use for posting and stuff, the computer ones, lol) and it has a brown kinda smear on the lower part of his mouth. what do you guys think???


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
snails look like trochus so they should be good

fish does appear to be a yellow angel (Centropyge heraldi) which should be fine. make sure to give him some algae options in his diet as well as meaty bits and flake

both additions should be ok with your pseudochromis. they do tend to be territrotial as you have noticed and sometimes agressive to inverts (they do eat bristleworms ive heard) but your crabs ought to be able to escape

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok, heard you shoul feed them 3 times a day?? do you mean like Emrald Entree(dont know if you have ever heard of it but its a fish food, has greens) should I feed flake also? And I have Brime shrimp, does it need seaweed? lol, what do you think about the red spot? well thank you and I will post later


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
As Camaro said this is an Centropyge heraldi. Usually pretty easy to keep. Keep an eye on that brown thing on the mouth because it may be a bacterial infection. You can start this fish on Mysis and wean it to other stuff. I would feed it at least twice a day. keep in mind it will also graze on the rocks.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
it kind of spread to the back of his eyes, but then it goes in and out like one minut he was dark then a couple of minuts later it calmed down and he was more yellow?? weird. oh and mysis huh, ok will do no flake or greens though


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
because it seems to come and go i think that it could be an indication of stress: many fish display different colored bars and color intensity if they are stressed (not sure of this dwarf angel, but almost all do) sam said, just keep an eye on it and if it isn't gone after a few days or it seems to be getting worse its time to be concerned. this is, of course, why we use quarantine tanks. i think he is suggesting starting with mysis because sometimes the Centropyges tend to be a little finicky at first but most will eat prepared after a few days. frozen tastes/seems more natural so its a good starter to get them used to being fed. should have asked the LFS waht they fed it and even asked to see it feed...thats always a good plan with SW fish just to be safe.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Personally I wouldn't put this fish into a young tank like yours, and I'd also have QT'ed it, but it's done now. My experience with angels tells me they're usually very poor feeders at the start. My bicolour didn't touch floating food for a full month and just scavenged off the live rock.
Good luck, and research before you buy in the future

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
wayne said:
Personally I wouldn't put this fish into a young tank like yours, and I'd also have QT'ed it, but it's done now. My experience with angels tells me they're usually very poor feeders at the start. My bicolour didn't touch floating food for a full month and just scavenged off the live rock.
Good luck, and research before you buy in the future
What do you mean by young? um, it eats off the live rock a lot but it is also eating the mys. shrimp as well, I am going to feed twice a day, right? it is doing good, I think I would have QT it but I dont have a QT tank so... maybe later on down the road I will set one up... but it is doing good and eating, red spot seemed to fade away?? and a little brown still on lower lip, I will post some pics later.. thanx all


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Young he means the system hasnt been set up too long so its considered young. Angels in general do not do well in really newly establioshed systems.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
yes, my tank has been set up for about a year and a half. um, wayne you must of been thinking about someone els. I do need some more water flow and a bigger clean up crew but that is it, the tank has strable water conditions and is looking good. *PEACE!*

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
1979camaro said:
i thought this tank had been up for about a year, has it not?

2x a day should be fine for feeding

QT is definitely important
oh QT don't have one, what do you think I should do camaro? like, will I realy need one everytime I get a new fish? but I can see if a fish gets sick....


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i have a QT tank...much easier than infecting the entire tank and then trying to react

i would reccomend setting up a ten gallon for QT and I think most people here will agree with me. The idea behind it is that you put any new acquisitions into the QT tank and observe their behavior, feeding, and general fishyness for 2-4weeks just to make sure they are not bringing in anything harmful to your tank. Then, if you do spot something nasty (like that brown stuff if it doesnt go away) you can treat them in the QT tank and not worry about medications harming your live rock or invertebrates (which is a serious concern because most meds are copper based and will kill all that stuff)

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok newb question but, invertebrates, what r they, lol. crabs and snails or corals? um, I will try and set up a QT tank once I get a job and some cash for shure, because it souns like an important thing to have. thanx a lot and I'll keep the thread updated with the yellow Angle.

oh one more thing, lol, this sux but. I just went to the doctor today and found out I have poisin Oak(sux big time) this should not hert anything in my tank will it? like if I stick my arm or hand in my tank???


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I dont think Wayne new the tank was a year old.

When it comes to invertabrates anything that doesnt have a spine is an invertabrate. This includes corals and crustaceans, etc.

I dont think poison oak will affect your fish. Is it like an oil? Because it might stick in water...I dont really know.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
The Yellow Pymgy Angel is a strikingly beautiful dwarf Angel. They are bright yellow and will sometimes have a dusky brown patch behind their eyes. They are a great addition to fish-only and reef tanks because of their docile disposition and hardiness. The Yellow Pygmy Angel should be kept in a tank of 30 gallons or larger, so it'll have ample room to roam. They will spend most of their day grazing algae that grows on live rock. They should not be kept with other Dwarf Angels and only one should be kept per tank.

this explains the brown on the back of his eyes, I think everyhting is cool...
this fish does not seem to have it as dark as my fish does(pic from the web sight).... *PEACE!*