New AQ., How long for fish?

Apr 6, 2006
ZenGoalie said:
I can only re-iterate what Unclejackrock has posted. I bought a test kit, and it's fun (sort of in a mad scientist way) to test your water. I've been checking almost everyday as I cycle my new tank. I've been changing about 10-20% of the water every couple of days too. Starting to see more nitrAte (good) and lower of ammonia and nitrite. It's been a couple of weeks for me, so just stay patient. It'll all be worth it in the end.

DITTO..It was the COOLEST when I seen that first hint of pink on the Nitrate pad!!*BOUNCINGS


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
ThePrep: Have you gotten any Bio-Zyme??? If not I would get it to help your cycle since you added fish (which honestly its what I do). Also (Im being honest here) I dont test my tank every day or on a regular basis. However, I check it about once a month and when I add new fish I keep an eye on my levels. The reason that people say to test your water is because you could be doing everything right and having no problems and then out of no where you have a drastic change in your water parameters. Wouldnt it be nice to know about this before you lost fish?? Its just nice to have the stuff around and check it and keep up with the water. It takes me about 3 minutes max to test my water and it costs me $15 every couple of months. As far as your fish stock list, I think that you should do 7 Tetras, 3 Cories (which you already have) and maybe a Killiefish or a Dwarf Gourami. What do you think??? O, and Cories are always crazy!! :p I think that the girl that you talked to at the pet store might be talking about filter changes. A filter has 2 jobs; 1 is to obviously filter the tank water that passes through it and the other is to hold/house bacteria that your tank requires to run properly (thats what the cycle process is, your tank growing the bacteria). When you remove the filters you are removing a good amount of the bacteria. The filters need to be changed but you just need to keep this in mind and not change them spiratically (sp?). I dont change my filter till its just gross (i.e. ripping, or just plain nasty) but if I have just added fish then I will wait a few days. Also I have 2 filter cartridges in my filter and so I always change one at a time. Does this make sense to you?? The water changes need to be kept up cause as someone stated on here somwhere you wouldnt want to swim in your tiolet would you??? I hope that this help you ThePrep and who ever else reads this. ;) I wish you luck!! :D


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
All of you guys have been so helpful and your commitment to your hobby is amazing. I honestly never even guessed that their could be so much to keeping fish, like most people I assumed they just didn't live very long, but now I see why they didn't live long.

I have been given so much advice that to be honest it is all a bit confusing. If someone who knows a great deal about keeping advice could set up a plan for me, I would be VERY grateful (for example: get bio-spira, add X amount of X type of fish, clean every other day- wouldnt cleaning too much get rid of the bacteria I am trying to cultivate, etc.)

So basically after I get the bio-spira and keeping in mind I already have 3 happy cories, what new fish should I add and when, how often should I clean the water, how often should I test, etc.

If I didn't test very often, what would be a safe amount of times to change the water while still cultivating the benificial bacteria?

You have all helped so much already and I have learned so much. I am determined to make my aq. a success and as you can see I AM listening to your advice. Thanks so much again! I love these fish! I was watching them for hours last night just go crazy in the tank! =)