new betta!


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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i bought one of these Red Sea Aquarium kits today for my little bro..

and we put a betta in there but the filter seems a bit strong.. he was sloshing around in there so i turned it off. does anyone have any experience with these kits? is it okay for the betta to have so much movement in the water? i mean, these kits ARE designed for bettas so i'm guessing it'll be OK.

please help, TIA.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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No, they are not designed for bettas in my opinion. Bettas hate surface agitation and anything more than a mild current is a real nuisance to them.

I have seen these tanks, they are pretty cute, but not all that practical. Sure they have a filter, but no heat.

The best fish for that tank is a single guppy because they can tolerate lower temperatures than bettas, and WILL NOT JUMP OUTTA THE TANK like bettas are well known to do.

I am no trying to dish on you method... sorry if it comes accross that way... I am just a little pissed at some manufacturers who target market tanks and put zero thought into the practicality and the humaine treatment of fish.

I have seen that one, the other - more rounded one with a cute pen light above it, and god knows everyone is familiar with those cup-sized betta 'cubes'

Maybe use a CD or something to help keep Gandalf from jumping to his death! All it takes is a lowd noise to scare him enought and POOF out he goes!


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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well this really sucks.. what pisses me off is that on the box it said "GREAT FOR BETTAS!" and there were pictures of bettas all over it.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. and yeah the filter is just WAY too strong for him.. it looks like he's being swallowed up by a tsunami! and it's too late to return it. :( crap.

i've had a betta before, lived for about a year and i kept it in one of those vase setups where you put a plant on the top for them to feed on. i read around here that those setups are bad because they're labryinth fish and they need access to air.. so i thought this Red Sea setup was perfect because it has no lid. i didn't know they were jumpers. :(

and Iggy, these little aquariums aren't THAT small.. i think it's perfect for a betta. i think you're getting mixed up with the betta aquarium by marineland.. i saw that one too and i thought that cup-sized thing was gonna be way too harsh so i didn't get it.

Lotus - i don't think i have the option of getting another little tank for my lil' bro.. i just wanna try to work with this thing. you said i can use a sponge to slow the current but where can i put the sponge? around the intake of the filter? or the outlet where the water pours out, because that's where most of the current is coming from.

right now, the filter is off and it's been off since last night. and i put saran (sp.?) wrap over the top as a temporary measure. it's not lookin' so slick no more.. but till i find out a solution for a lid this will have to do.


Large Fish
Apr 28, 2004
Atlanta, GA
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I don't think Iggy is mixed up, he knows what he's talking about. Bettas need 2 gallons at least, to be really happy (and for you not to go nuts with water changes). I know mine uses every inch of his 2 gallon tank, though he does have marked preferences for certain areas at certain times of the day.

Saran wrap is no good, you need air to get it, but him not to get out. Additionally, oxygen gets into water at the surface - if you cut that out, how is oxygen supposed to get in? If you need a temporary solution, use nylon stockings - cut one and tape it on the top or something.

Advertising says a lot of things: never trust what's on the box.

You can get a cheap 10 gallon tank at wal-mart (8 bucks?) and see if you can disassemble this crappy tank and use the parts in it (filter, lighting). You can even get a hood without lights for about 6 bucks. In this tank you still have the heating issue as well. Bettas can put up with a lot, it seems, even bad water quality for a while, but warmth is important for them.

Yeah, I have to agree: every idiotic aquarium product seems to target bettas specifically, because they're common and hardy enough to survive the treatment a little longer than other fish.

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if you pull up the intake tube a teeny bit, you can decrase the outflow on the filter. I had to do that with my 2 gallon. Get a thermometer and see what the temp stays at, all three of my betta tanks stay at 80-82 with no if he's in a warm room, you might not need a heater with that size of a tank.

gandalf is beautiful...and a very fitting name :D


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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thanks :)

yeah my tank's been pretty much at a constant 79/80 degrees plus or minus so i don't think i'll be needing a heater.

and for the ideas about getting a new tank and stripping all the parts of this one is not the option i wanna take. i spent 40 bucks on this thing and stripping it down to just use the filter and light really doesn't make much sense when i could've just bought them separately for much cheaper. i'm just gonna try to address the issues and fix the problems. and as for the saran wrap, yeah i poked holes in there..


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have to say, it really sucks when you try to get something nice for someone, and it's not as perfect as you had hoped. I hope your brother is happy with Gandalf, at least :)

For slowing down the filter, I am thinking a sponge in the outflow would work better. I have also heard of people using silicone and putting on some kind of a plastic platform to help stop the current from being so direct. Sometimes having the water level a little higher or lower can help with the current, too. Another option may be putting a fake (or real) plant in front of the outflow to help reduce the speed of the water. I think you may have to play around with the filter to get it a little less violent.


Small Fish
Jun 3, 2004
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From what I've read about bettas, their minimum tank size is one gallon, and I have one of mine in a one gallon and he isn't cramped or what have you at all. Just a matter of personal opinion I guess...if you're still planning on using your tank, a nicer looking solution to the saran wrap or panty hose is lace or plastic mesh from an onion sack or something like that tied with a ribbon or a rubberband. About the filter, none of my betta tanks utilize a filter and I personally don't think they need one.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Not to beat this thread with a stick.. but... 1 gallon tanks (I've used them) are fine for younger fish, but really, most people get bored with them quickly and the water changes happen less and less frequently, till Mr. Betta often gets sick and dies from crappy water.

3 gallons per adult betta is what I try to stear people towards. Ideally, a 5 glass gallon tank is the best, with a 50w heater and low-volume filter (like a whisper 5-15) With 3 to 5 gallon tanks, weekly (or semi-weekly) water changes should ensure a good, long life.

But, to be honest, my first 'tank' was a 1/2 gallon betta bowl plastic kit for $12.00 + a betta $6.00, and I went up from there to a 2 gal, then a 3 gal, to my betta barracks 17 gal divided tank system I have now.

So, for a starter tank, its not to bad method... One other idea is to get a small piece of plexi-glass from a hardware shore (Lexan or something) and use a jig-saw to cut it into a lid. Drill some 3/16" holes for air & tada, you've got a covered tank! If you want to get fancy, you can glue a little plastic square ontop for a handle.

Anyway, I know your heart was in the right place Method. Saran wrap will work (with holes) like you said, just make sure your little bro remembers to replace it or Gandalf will likely jump out if he gets scared.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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guess what guys? i put some of your comments into consideration and i decided to return the Deco Art Aquarium.

yep, this morning i took out Gandalf and put him in a holding bucket with an air stone, cleaned the filter etc. etc. and packed everything back into its box. i cleaned everything squeaky clean just incase i were to run into any problems at PETCO. well i took it back and they refunded my money no questions asked! and rightly so, because seriously... this thing is a piece of crap. in the beggining i liked it for its aesthetic appeal but other than that, ECK.. and Gandalf wasn't the least bit happy in there it seemed so i finally decided to opt out to a bigger and better tank. then i went to walmart.. i remember seeing twoluvcats pretty betta tanks and i have a 'vision' (lol) - i know, uh oh. well when i got there i wasn't really pleased with the selection of colors available for the 2.5 mini-bows.. all they had was pink and purple. come on!! so i just walk outta there and go to my LFS. right when i walk in, i see the coolest lookin' betta!! i just had to have it, so -$6 (the most expensive betta i have ever seen!!) later i had another betta + Gandalf but no tank! so i keep lookin' around the store and i see this special on a 10 gal that comes with a glass hood + light fixture all for 19 bucks. it looks really nifty.. now all i need is a divider! the guy shows me one, and i look at the price tag... $12!!! for a little flimsy piece of plastic. i'm like heck no.. so i say i'll think about everything and come back tomorrow. now i'm home with two bettas.......... they're both in separate buckets. i'm gonna go back tomorrow after i decide on what to do. i might also check out another BIGGER walmart.

so what do you guys think? :)

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Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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btw i took a quick pic of him when i brought him home.. his body is this really dark orange and his fins are a lighter orange but the tips are black.. REALLY pretty.

thinkin' about what to name him, hmmmm..


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I'm happy you've opted against that little tank. 2g minimum for bettas. And that is that. They do need a heater, despite what some people say, unless you can maintain a steady, appropriate room temperature. They should have a filter as well. Sure, they can live in less than perfect water, just like I could live in a dumpster, but I wouldn't be happy and neither would they:).

Yay for a new tank. Buy the divider, though. 12$ isn't much in the scheme of things. Esp. when that one betta cost 6$! There aren't many other options unless you buy another 5 or 10g tank for the other betta (which is cute, btw). You could try making your own, but for the hassle and the rigging, it'd be more worth it to buy the divider. Plus, you need something that is certain to work. If it fails somehow, both bettas will be dead by the time you find them:(

EDIT: By the way, while you're at the fish store, buy a 30g tank while you're there. That's what you should have for the amount of fish you've got in your 10g!!!:eek: glass cats get 6" a piece.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Go to a hardware store, ask for where they have their plexiglass. If you have a jigsaw with a metal blade, you can cut the plexiglass and make your own divider. Drill a bunch of 3/16" holes every 3/4" in a grid.

It looks better than those crappy flimsy white dividers. Just use gravel at the bottom to anchor them in and cut it snug to fit underneath the lip of the tank so friction will keep it vertical.

Works for me, I mave 7 dividers that way!

Good idea on taking that tank back, for the price it was just not worth the hassle. I really am happy with the 2.5 mini-bow i got for Skye...the whisper filter is very quiet, but it does take a TON of room in the tank. Finding the right color is a walmart also only had pink and purple for a long time...I lucked out that they had a blue one the day I found Skye...or I'd have a pink one LOL

Very nice crowntail, method :D


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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thanks guys.. :)

okay, today i got the tank all setup.. but i still havn't bought a filter yet. i was gonna buy it today at the lfs but it's kinda expensive and i was thinkin' i should buy it @Big Al's but i know shipping can take anywhere from a week to two weeks so i might just buy it locally somewhere. but i HATE gettin' jipped.. err i dunno what to do. the bettas can surely stay in their buckets for at least another week right? or do you guys suggest i put them in the tank right now? it's just the tank with water and gravel, that's IT. oh i forgot, i can only put one of them in there because the divider i bought has little hooks that sticks out at the top making it difficult to close my hood fully so i'm gonna return the divider tomorrow and try to find something else. i can't make one myself like Iggy suggested because i don't have a jigsaw.. is there any other way i can make one?

leopardess - i know my 10 is overstocked but i do water changes religously and all my fish seem pretty happy. i cycled with each one of these fish except the gourami's and they all lived when people were telling me they were all going to die. the only fish i lost was ONE guppy for unknown reasons. maybe it's a miracle but it's been two months since i setup that tank and it's doing great. just the other day my friend told me the tank is TOO clean, lol. anyway, it was a beginner's mistake and i bought too many fish at once.. next time i won't buy so hastily.