new betta!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Method, bettas can survive in jars if need be (trust me on this) with no filtration for months. Just do water changes every 3rd day to keep the bottom clean. Big pickle or old Mason jars do the trick. I use a 5" x 5" piece of fiberglass insect screen with an elastic band to hold it on for the top (stop jumping). Just snip a small whole in the center to drop food in.

Ya, time to got out to those garage sales and get yourself a nice 20 or 33 gallon tank meth! That way you can add a few more neons and get some schooling action. Garage sales are super cheap, like $0.50 on the gallon or less.

And, if that divider you bought is not the right shape, get some tin-snips or heavy duty scissors and cut it to shape, assuming its that thinnner white plastic stuff.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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thanks for sucha quick response Iggy! *celebrate

well here's the pic of my tank.. i just threw the bettas in there just now since you said they can go a few days/weeks without any filtration. it was pretty cool because as soon as i put them in there they saw eachother through the little holes on the divider and they started doing that thing where they puff out their gills and extend their fins, they look so beautiful when they do that! hope they stop soon though because i heard when they do that, it tires them out..

and about the divider i meant there were metal clips on the sides that hold the divider in place.. i show you a pic in the next post.



Large Fish
Apr 21, 2004
G Deuce, CA
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i circled the metal clip for you in this pic.. see how it comes outta the tank? yeah well, i can't shut my glass hood all the way which leaves about 1cm gap on both sides. no big deal i guess..

and another thing, i don't think i'll have room for an HOB filter because my hood.. was originally gonna buy a Penguin Bio-Wheel Mini but i don't know if i have the clearance to put it on the back. so i was maybe considering some kinda internal filter.. i saw a Fluval 1 Plus Underwater Filter @Big Al's.. have any experiences with these filters?


Last edited:
Jun 28, 2004
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Hey, I'm new to this post/thread and though it may seem outdated (seeing as how method returned the filter and all...) i just wanted to share my thoughts on the deco art filter. One of my bettas is in a 1.6 gal tank and I also thought it was the cutest and most fitting filter for the small tank, until his fins (which were healing from fin rot he got in the dirty petshop cup) got repeatedly sucked into the intake tube and torn to shreds :( I tried everything: from shortening the intake tube, turning downt he flow, adding filter floss whereever i no avail! Until one morning a big blob of filter floss in the outflow area fell out and got stuck at the intake opening, creating a big filter floss blob.

This finally prevented my betta from getting sucked in, although the current was still giving him trouble. Then two days ago I was changing the wad of floss when afterwards I noticed he'd periodically get plastered to the intake again. After this happened 2-3 times, i noticed his healing/growing tail was shredded again!

Needless to say I was so angry...I had just about had it with the filter so I removed it...unfortunately I don't think i can return it since the nano pad has been used for over a week :(

Please spread the word that this filter is not suitable for bettas!!