New Betta

Mr. Cool

Small Fish
Jul 10, 2004
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Hey. I'm new to this site, and I am looking into getting a Betta.

You see, I don't want to spend much money, but I want my future fish to be happy. I was wondering if this tank would be appropriate:

I also need tips for convincing my parents to let me get one. Any suggestions?


Large Fish
Apr 28, 2004
Atlanta, GA
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That's enough water, but you'd still need a heater among other things.
This might be slightly better (room for a heater). I use the 2.5 minibow and you can get it for 26 bucks at walmart. If you could swing it a 5 gallon would be even better, since this sounds like the first fish for you the more water the have, the easier it'll be (it sounds counter intuitive, but its true). You can get a 5 gallon minibow for 35 bucks (WELL worth the investment). Add another 10 - 15 for heater/thermometer and gravel and you should be set. Sounds like a lot but you'll have that aquarium for a while. Should you get further into the hobby, the 5 can make a good hospital/fry/q-tank.

The plastic plant they include would probably rip your betta's fins (they did mine). The bulb is probably incandescent, not really good. The reason these kits are so cheap is that they skimp on the parts like that. I had a similar 2 gallon setup way back in the day; it was impossible to clean properly and hard to fit in anything useful. Complete waste of cash.

If worse came to worse, you could use that so long as you got the heater and are religious about water changes. The filtration isn't really good (your betta won't like the surface agitation caused by the pump and the undergravel filter won't do that much actual filtration).

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Welcome to the tank Mr.Cool,

That was my very first betta 'tank' - its made from a company in china that repackages it for other stores, like Petcetera in Canada.

The tank is 2.5 gallons, its not a bad setup for a betta, you will need to get more rocks than they provide for gravel.

The plastic rock is a little plain, but the plants will not tear his fins. In Canada, that tank is about $20.00 CAN or $14.00 USD about.

The filter is not great, I prefer the suction-cup style bubble filters. But again, it will do for a betta.

However, for a little more, the mini-bow is a better setup. Betta's like horizontal space over vertical (wider is better than taller), and the minibow is a better quality tank.

Budget $45.00 for a minibow tank, fish and 25w heater and that should cover if for a while.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I really like that 3gal eclipse tank, its a good size for a betta, nice filter and light, well worth the money.

Tips, well... trade something, paint the fence, something like that. Earn it yourself.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
What is your parents' concern? Is it money? Is it that you won't look after it? Is it some kind of safety concern? Do you have other pets in the household that you look after?

Either the Minibow or Eclipse 3 would be great for a betta. I agree about the 2 gal tank with the undergravel filter not being the best choice. It's worth saving up the extra for a better tank. :)

Mr cool....I JUST bought a betta setup with a 2.5 minibow at walmart and everything I needed was $35 total....including fish.

The eclipse tanks are GREAT!! So are the mini-bows. Either one would be a good home for your betta.

I agree with Iggy...If you want a fish, tell your parents you'd like to earn the money to buy will also show them that you are taking the responsiblity of owning a pet seriously.

Jun 28, 2003
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My two bettas each have a otto in with them and i have had no problems at all. The ottos are too quick if the bettas fancy a nip at them and the rest of the time the ottos are too still for the bettas to care.

Mr. Cool

Small Fish
Jul 10, 2004
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Today I finally got a Betta. I got a blue one from petco. I bought the tank in my first post. At petco they kept the poor fish in little 8 oz. cups that had a little slit at the top.

I took some pictures. You can see them here.

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