Yes that idea with a raised platform with the chemipure is a good could replace the balls with live rock pieces under the chemi pure. I wouldn't make it a fuge unless there is a way to light it as the macro algae would need a light source. The light for the qt could be just the straight pc that comes with the tank but upgrade the bulb to a daylight bulb. Most soft corals and polyps, shrooms etc would be okay under this lighting for a short time frame and then acclimate them to the main tank light slowly......Once you get into lps and sps corals you should think about upgrading the light for your qt to something'll be a better judge of that as you get more into the hobby.
Your aquascape looks great. Your rock is close to the glass and you realize you won't be able to clean it, but it appears to be the back side so that is okay....just make sure you can fit a mag cleaner between the rock and the glass all the way round the other sides. You also have a nice large aiptasia in there that you will want to get rid of asap as it will spread and they are not beneficial will sting everything and take over your tank......get some joe's juice and zap it. DO NOT TRY to pry it off or pull it off or squish it as it will spread and every piece will create a new one.......beleive me you want to get rid of it while it is relatively small and hasn't spread. I remember the first thing I saw on my live rock was one, and I was excited......a few peppermint shrimp took care of it. Though peppermints are not guaranteed to eat them mine did..... Oh and nice clown and chromis
Your aquascape looks great. Your rock is close to the glass and you realize you won't be able to clean it, but it appears to be the back side so that is okay....just make sure you can fit a mag cleaner between the rock and the glass all the way round the other sides. You also have a nice large aiptasia in there that you will want to get rid of asap as it will spread and they are not beneficial will sting everything and take over your tank......get some joe's juice and zap it. DO NOT TRY to pry it off or pull it off or squish it as it will spread and every piece will create a new one.......beleive me you want to get rid of it while it is relatively small and hasn't spread. I remember the first thing I saw on my live rock was one, and I was excited......a few peppermint shrimp took care of it. Though peppermints are not guaranteed to eat them mine did..... Oh and nice clown and chromis