New fishy tank!!!

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
go with the force luke... :)
[sorry...couldn't resist :)]...

i know itz hard...but patience will pay off...
i'm a noob...and it's working out fine for me...
i didn't do a fishless cycle... i used platties...
i had my first fish in the tank after a week...
and i don't do the science stuff...
my lfs do it for me every week...

i know some wil poo-poo this...but hey...
itz my tank...and all is well...
i want a hobby...not a degree in marine biology ... :):):)

chek out your local fish shop [lfs] and see if they'll do it for you...
find someone there you can trust...and talk heaps to them...

research on the 'net like mad too...
itz all just have to find it...

this forum is brill...just ask away...
the moderators and 'big fish' are the ones who know wotz wot...
[some others know the bizz too of course]...

itz not a totally madd deal...just a little crazy at the start...
all the best with it...and...welcome to the tank...

keep asking the q's dude...that's wot we're here for ... :)


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Hi Luke. Welcome if you are still reading these. I don't know where your rain water is from. But I would use tap water. You know where it came from and it will be pretty much the same all the time. Rain water picks up polution from the atmosphere, and whatever it runs down and into for collection.As for aquarium salt I would leave that out too. As long as the water is clean and the tank is cycled there is no need to add it (Fish don't have it in the wild so they have not addapted to it.... Some say it aids the fishes production of slime, But if the fish are healthy they should be safe enough with what nature intended them to have. It is over stimulated as a response to irritation. A bit like bathing you in a weak acid because it gives you a lovely red colour to your skin.
It will all feel a bit technical at first but you will soon pick it up and before long instead of asking advice all the time, you will find yourself helping out others..


Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
well, I do appreciate the advice, and sorry if I am "'funny' about members pointing out where you have gone wrong" Wesmuns, I wasnt actually meaning that in a bad way to Etheostoma when I said "Sir yes Sir", I was just typing something.

Anyway, once again I do appreciate all the advice, I will gather more information for my tank, and hopefuly there will be a better "dude" ( lol ) working there that day.

Thanks Big Vine for welcoming me, and thanks for the good luck everybody.

Cybersymes, I agree with you aswell. But I shall also take advice from everybody, who knows, with a little advice from all you people, I could have a really awesome tank up and running!!!

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Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
LukeHawk said:
snip...with a little advice from all you people, I could have a really awesome tank up and running!!!
that's the way to do it...i'm sure you'll have an amazing setup...
you seem like the kind of person who's not afraid to do some research...
and that is the most important thing with this 'hobby'...imho ... :)


Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
ha ha, lol the funny thing about getting a fish tank started is that there is very little to do with fish, its mainly about the water and things. My one friend who started a freshwater tank about a year or two ago, just did what the pet store told him and he has a really nice tank, I dont think the layout of his plants and decorations is that great, but his fish are surviving perfectly, and plants.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
LukeHawk said:
ha ha, lol the funny thing about getting a fish tank started is that there is very little to do with fish, its mainly about the water and things. My one friend who started a freshwater tank about a year or two ago, just did what the pet store told him and he has a really nice tank, I dont think the layout of his plants and decorations is that great, but his fish are surviving perfectly, and plants.
you are totally should be called 'water-keeping'... :):):)
i like it...i actually love doing water-changes.................... :):)
ten percent...every other day...i know...kinda weird........... :)

[edit...just 'stacked' my dweebie is that... !!!]


Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
lol,....WAAAA!!!!!....the worst thing that ever happened just did....My new tank has a leak in it.....good thing its not so big, so tommorow I can go get a new one and transfer all the water., but I will have to do every thing again!!!....darn....ah well, I guess that might be fun..

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
That's too bad LukeHawk...
BUT...could you possibly exchange that tank for a larger one (and pay the difference, of course)?

If you are in a position to do so, I would go for a 29 gallon...It would give you so many more opportunities, and it would afford you a bit more forgiveness when it comes to keeping the water in 'perfect' condition.

If you can't afford a 29, I'd opt for the biggest tank that you can afford---If you need to stick with the smaller tank, then that will have to be good enough for now.

All I'm suggesting is that this leaking aquarium may be a blessing in disguise...;)

Big Vine

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
wow...good it happened now...before the fish arrive...
when you swop it...if you can...get a bigger one...:)

more water...more fish...less hassle...more funn ... :):)

[edit]...just saw viney's post there...
never mind pay the difference...
talk the shop into giving you the upgrade...
tell them of the trauma you suffered as your tank sprung a leak...
the horror...the worry...the whole uncertainty of the fishkeeping art ... :)

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Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
yah, I could go for a bigger tank, infact I would love one. The only problem is that I only got 100 Rand left, thats about 18 US dollars., if I want an upgrade I need at least another R300, well thats plus filters and everything, so mabye about another R200


my tank isnt that small though, well it is kinda. It isnt 8 gallons.

Length = 60cm
Width = 30cm
Hieght = 30cm
volume = 54000 cm cubed
gallons per cm cubed = 0.000264172051

total gallons (US) in tank = 14.265290764

so I actually have a 15 gallon tank (roughly)

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Well if you need to do a little saving up, it would probably be well worth it!

You could always take the tank back now and tell them you want to exchange it for a bigger one and just pay the difference on it at a later time (when you can afford to get it).

Ask them for store credit if they don't want to refund you (although they should, since the product was defective).

Either way, you'll need to take the leaking tank back right away (don't wait until you've saved up for a larger one or they may not take it back).

Good luck.
Big Vine


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Yeah, I wa going to comment on your filter. Why don't you get a hang on back filter instead of the undergravel filter that you are,loking into getting? I think it would be better for you. Good luck with your tank and I would stick to the planning of your tank like everyone else has suggested. IT does certainly help in the long run. Get a bigger one if you can afford it.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Shaunna said:
Why don't you get a hang on back filter instead of the undergravel filter that you are,loking into getting? I think it would be better for you.
Excellent idea Shaunna, I'll second that, along with everything else you recommended!

Big Vine

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
LukeHawk said:
yah, I could go for a bigger tank, infact I would love one. The only problem is that I only got 100 Rand left, thats about 18 US dollars., if I want an upgrade I need at least another R300, well thats plus filters and everything, so mabye about another R200
hold the phone...
guy at work here is from zimbabwe...
he has rand at home...
he's gonna check and give me them tomorrow...
he thinks he has R200...
i'll mail it to you...howzatt ... :)


Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
seriously? you'd do that?, but no, its probobly better if you didnt, to much of a hassle, besides I could probobly bribe my dad some how, lol

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
LukeHawk said:
seriously? you'd do that?, but no, its probobly better if you didnt, to much of a hassle, besides I could probobly bribe my dad some how, lol
no hassle...
as long as your dad is cool about it...
i'll mail it to you this week...
check with your parents though... :)

gotta scoot now...home time... :)


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Awww, huge bummer about your tank leak! But, other than that, it sounds like you are well on your way to getting started right! Good job for you! Keep up the good work, I'm off to try to get my mini tank re-inhabited, hopefully :)


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
cybersymes, thats awesome!! im so excited for you lukehawk (and a little bit jealous of what sounds like will be an awesome tanks ;))!! Got me a little betta....seems to be doing ok, but im not sure, he's got a little sideways swimming going on that im not liking, we shall see...