New member & beginer - please help

Feb 13, 2006
JAWS69 said:
I disagree. Some of the most hardy fish I have came from WalMart. I bought clown loaches from a pet store and they died-4 times. I still have my first fish that I got 6 months ago from Wal Mart. They get their fish from the same breeders that the pet stores do, and anyone who claims differently doesn't know what they're talking about. It's not like there's a book that tells you where everyone's breeders are located.

zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
Visit site
Howdy noni welcome to the tank, hopefully with doing the water changes you won’t have anymore problems. One thing I would suggest before adding any more fish is the nest time you go, look at what they have and write down the fish you’re interested in then go home and look up info on them. That way you know if they will get along with each other, how big they will get any anything else that will save you troubles down the road.

As for the whole petco, wallmart, petsmart thing it’s all personal. If the store hires an idiot your gonna have trouble, if the person is knowledgeable then your good to go. For every person here that hates wallmart theres probably one that has had a good experience. I would recommend though if you go to buy fish and there tanks look bad, then it’s probably a good idea to go elsewhere. Well good luck and keep us posted.


New Fish
Apr 22, 2006
thanks guys,
i changed about 20-25% of the water yesterday and will continue to do so every other day til i can get the test kit, that's ok right? now i may have another chink in the chain. my white molly(i think molly) may be pregnant, it's so fat. i've read about the gravid point but i don't see one yet, could i be over feeding them? i feed them around 7am & 7 pm about 1/2 tablespoon.


Small Fish
Feb 19, 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii
Noni, I cycled my first ever tank (before I knew better) with 2 mollies and a bristlenose pleco and they are still alive and happy 2 years later and in my 20 gallon tank. I think the mollies can survive this as long as you do the water changes.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
hey noni...difficult times...
but welcome to the'll learn heeps here...

i'm a noob...only six months of fish...
my tank is 40 gallons...and i do ten percent water changes...
and in my tank thats around four inches...

now it all depends on tank size and shape...
but i guess that if you want to do a 30% change...
then measure the height of the water in your tank when full...
and then divide that by 3...and there you have it...

so if your water height is say...18 inches...
then you need to swop 6 inches of water...
edit...[remember to dechlorinate and match temperature]...

i do it with buckets and gallons...
it sounds like you need to do a couple of changes soon...
and then read up on cycling...

good'll all work out... :)

I've been doing water changes every other day, and I think the cycle is finally finished for my 30 gallon. It's been since April 1st, so that's how long it took for my tank with the zebra danios and some cories in it. Good luck and welcome! The test kit was worth the money I spent on it (30 dollars for ammonia, 2 pH tests, Nitrite, and Nitrate). I feel like a mad scientist with the test tubes and the water color charts. Now that Ammonia and Nitrite are almost zero...I feel a sense of...almost letdown because I won't have to worry so much about water changes. I guess now's the time when the addiction truly kicks in and I go out and get another tank... ;-)


New Fish
Apr 22, 2006
You guys are life savers for me & hopefully my tank too. Thanks for all the advise & help ( I need it, kinda feel so dumb). Any suggestions on a snail in my tank? I saw one today about 1cm long. Do I take it out or leave it? No more dead fish so far. :)


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Firstly NONI .... welcome. secondly don't be put off by what the people here say, ( Like you they too started out once, and now a lot of us still make mistakes) sometime though as well meant as the advice is, it is not ALWAYS as diplomatic as it might be. The advice given here is NOT infalable, but it is by far the best I have ever come across. Fish Stores ,wether it is WalMart or LFS (Local Fish Shop). come in good, bad and indifferent, unfortunately you only find out by trial and error. Someone on here will probably live near to you ( On your next post include the nearest Town / City to where you live) and be able to give you a short list of the best in the area... Lastly... you will make mistakes, and just when you think you have cracked it you will come home to the latest disaster. (We do this 'cause it is fun and a challenge, not because it is easy). But don't get down hearted. If you know what went wrong then fix it and start again, If not then come online ,we will all club together and help you out. and you will learn a bit more and get even more fun out of your hobby. MAINLY though......

Enjoy it. We do.

Last edited:
Aug 28, 2005
Missouri, USA
Ignore the advice about the post count title "super fish" on page 1 from homebunnyJ. Some of us are only new to the forum, not to the hobby. The accuracy or value of advice isn't always attributable to post count. Although our bigger fish do enjoy a well-earned reputation, some of us little guys are smarter than your average rock.

You're taking the right steps, asking questions and seeking advice. It will come in all shapes and sizes. I won't add to what you've already received. Redundancy can lend itself to confusion.

I will however, reiterate this: Never hesitate to get a second opinion from a live person (at the fish shoppe) before settling on a decision.

You're learning by doing, and asking for help. Stick with it and you'll be the one handing out advice in a short time.

Welcome to the tank!



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I dont think its very nice to tell someone to disregard someone else's comments, especially when they said exactly what you did.
homebunnyj said:
...usually the moderators and the super fish are more experienced, though we do have some teeny weeny fish (newbies) and little fish who have years of experience but have recently joined our forum.
Noni- You can leave the snail wont hurt anything, and it may help keep your tank a little cleaner. A lot of snails can overpopulate your tank if you are overfeeding though, so its really your call on keeping it or not :)


New Fish
Apr 22, 2006
Hey, everyone's been great. If I caused any disgruntalness within the tank, I apologize, that was not my intent. Thanks again for all your help and since I can't find the cott'n-pic'n snail, I guess it's a keeper. I keep in touch. *SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE*