New Oscar on MFT

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I've taken the plunge into the world of oscars.
Meet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (still nameless, lol), my new ~2-inch PetSmart tiger oscar. He was in a tank with 3 others of his kind, and I witnessed them feeding on pellets at the store, which I assume to be a good sign.

After spending some time under the driftwood on the right side of the tank whilst seeking refuge from the nippy tiger barbs who kept harassing him, he finally came out of his shell a bit more and began exploring. He seems to have learned that the tiger barbs will swim away when he is facing them, so now he's quick to turn around whenever he senses them on his tail.

Does this setup seem okay?
I cleared out all of the rocks and the largest piece of driftwood, so I think he should have plenty of open space for quite some time.

(you can see him on the right side of the tank near the front; his black silhouette pointed upwards toward some floating java fern)

Here he is (may turn out to be a 'she,' but I'll stick with 'he' for now, lol)!

Not the greatest pics, but you get the idea.
Hopefully I haven't jinxed things by posting pics of him so soon. I'll feel much more comfortable once he's been in there for a couple weeks. He's been hanging around the surface of the water a lot, which I don't know whether it's good or bad. Kinda seems like he's investigating the bubbles on the surface and playing in the current from the filter outflow. He did manage to grab some flakes that I tossed in there tonight, so I guess he must be feeling okay despite the harassment from the tiger barbs (which has pretty much gone away by now).

Sorry for the novel---I'm sure I'll still have lots more questions about his behavior and so forth. I've only had him since this afternoon and I'm already attached to the little bugger.


Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Alright, an Oscar!

Real nice markings on the young one right now but it'll be mostly gone when he grows a little older. Don't worry about the barbs. In a few months, they'll think twice before swimming behind his tail. Chomp. Heh.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
TheFighterFish said:
Real nice markings on the young one right now but it'll be mostly gone when he grows a little older.
Yeah, he was from amongst the batch of smallest oscars at the PetSmart, and the girl who was working there pointed out to me that many of the smaller ones tend to arrive from Asia, where they often load them up on all kinds of hormones from a very young age so that they mature and color-up faster/more vibrantly.

I suppose this is why you anticipate that his colors/markings will be "mostly gone" when he grows a little older? Then again, I thought they also got more colorful with maturity. :confused:

Thanks for the comments.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
TheFighterFish said:
I didn't know certain Oscars were loaded with hormones to give color.
Yeah, I've read/heard that they do this with a lot of the fish in Asia, but who knows? At least it's not dyed, eh? But yes, I follow what you and missdixie are saying about the coloration/pattern changing as s/he grows into adulthood. It's all good just so long as s/he retains at least some of the nice orange markings and "camo-like" patterning. ;)

Thanks for the compliments everyone...err...except Matt, lol.
Don't worry C-Man, I'll get an African setup going at some point---that is, of course, after I set up several CA tanks and SA tanks first. :p


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Well, there seems to be lots of theories out there about fish hormones and doping up who knows what to believe, eh?

missdixie...Draegan looks great! He's more of a purplish coloring I thought, isn't he? Whatever color he is, I like it better than the bright red ones, so thumbsup for Draegan! *thumbsups

My little guy/gal is doing fine this morning and seems to be swimming around a lot more confidently. Lights on the timer don't go on until noon, but I noticed that he did come up to the glass when I took a peek in there first thing this morning. Went to the top looking for food, of course, lol.

I'm mainly wondering about whether or not my tank setup is okay for the long run. I'm thinking it will be just fine, as there's really nothing to restrict his swimming space (apart from the sheer smallness of the tank, of course :rolleyes: ). The driftwood is low enough to the bottom to allow him to swim back and forth when he gets bigger, and the one piece that sticks up is right where the heater and filter tube are anyway, so I think it'll be okay.

Any thoughts?


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
The new guy looks great, BV!

I like the set up as well - looks good for an oscar to me. The only thing I'd consider doing is purely aesthetic - and that'd just be adding some short (like 2-3" tall) plastic plants around the bottom just to give the tank some color -- or maybe some fake lilies to give the ambush predator a place to ambush from ;)

As far as names go -- I'm not big on naming fish myself (I have a superstition about it), but I thought "Pullo" (as in Titus Pullo, of HBO's "Rome") might make a good name for your soon-to-be-not-so-little oscar...

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haha BV.. He is orangish pink.. Depends on his mood tho... Sometimes I swear he is hotpink and purple! :D aAnd the flash makes him look different colors too :)

Oscars are very clumsy fish so anything SHe could be hurt by needs to be removed :) I have a small rock formation about 3 inches tall in mine and the Wizard and Drae is always getting a scratch or a scrape. Just part of being an oscar but anything with rough or ragged edges needs to be removed :D Especially when O starts chasing tiger barbs!!! Yummy... Nice snack! I had a handful of mollies in Draes tank and they werenfine for about a week and brat boy started chasing the creatures so I hd to re-home

Guess when I go to the accounting office later I will take pics of Callyx (My surprise oscar a family friend gifted me with after MoJo died and I got Draegan) I havent shown him on here yet... He is a common :D

Did I mention Draes tank is planted? Lots of Anachris, Banana Plants and Java Fern... Only thing he bothers is this one banana plant... He likes dragging it over the water across the place...

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Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
I still like Pullo. Or Titus.

And if you're going to go Egyptian, pick Horus, Thoth or Osiris instead of Anubis ;) I think I like Horus the best of those, particularly because he was a powerful but not evil god. There's no law that says Oscars have to be named something evil/death-related/war-like, right?

Or you could go the ironic route and name him something like "Fluffy"...hehe

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Great suggestions...'Triton' has a nice ring to it, so maybe I'll go with that...won't make it 'official' yet, just in case something else catches my fancy or I see him/her doing something that helps me pick a name to match personality. We'll see. ;)

I'm glad you think the tank setup seems okay.
And thanks for the heads-up about sharp objects, missdixie. I kept this in mind before rearranging things, so any pointy pieces of wood are buried under the gravel against the bottom of the tank or shoved in the corner against the sides of the tank. I think it's fairly oscar-safe. hehe

Good to know about those plants too. I think I'll take Jeff's suggestion and fill things in a bit more in the middle with an anubias plant. With that plus the java fern I've already got in there, it should be plenty---I don't wanna overcrowd things too much. Lighting is terrible, by the way, so I'll need to just stick with these two types anyway.

How many anubias plants should I add?
(I'm gonna get the largest one(s) I can find, with the largest leaves---won't add any more java fern though, cuz' the stuff I've got can be propagated)

Thanks for the suggestions...every little bit helps.



Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Good to hear hes doing good this morning! I, as you know, have TERRIBLE luck with Oscars, but I dont think that my love for them is going to stop me from trying to keep one! :D
I should be going out maybe tonight (if I can get a ride) or sometime this week, to get my Oscar! Not going to say whether it'll be an albino or tiger or a red yet, I'm really not sure...But missdixies red is REALLY growing on me! ;)
PS: LOVIN the new Avatar BV! :D

haha I just got caught up in the 'slaughter' of the feedin' feenzy that BV likes and picked powerful names to go with the idea... Mine is named Draegan which is another word for Dragon... With him being pink and all...:eek:

Good to know BV... :D Just thought I would give a little warning :) Add until you are satisfied with how it looks. Only you can be the judge of that :D

Like I said Katie... S/He will pick you not you pick him... Leave an open heart and mind :D He does kind of grow on you doesn't he? lol...

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