New pics (lots of pics) and a couple questions


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
Hey everyone, merry christmas and all that jazz!

I had some time today (and a better camera at my disposal) to take a few pictures so enjoy. I also have a couple of questions as well so bear with me along the way.

This is Chubby Funster under the LTA

Here's Domino, Fatty and Cowlick and the Sebae

Chubby, feather duster and open brain

Frogspawn that's growing like a weed

Chubby (orange spotted sleeper goby) again. He's got a friend (Mr. Funtime Partypants) who's a bit duller in the orange coloring but he tends to hide more than Chubby. They are not a mated pair, which I originally thought when we got them but they seem to be doing okay together with minimal fighting...

This I am not too sure what it is...anyone know?


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Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
Also, the red algae I think it is, growing on the rock that my tree coral is you think this should be trimmed down a bit? It seems like the tree coral hasn't been growing each day as high as it normally does because the red thing is surrounding/smothering it

Titus the anemone crab and Sebae

Cowlick (male) and Fatty (female)

Just a few shots of various things

Hope you all enjoyed! If anyone can answer my questions about the red algae thing and the coral as well, that would be great! Also, apologies for any slow loading times...there's twenty pics in all.

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Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
Ooh thanks, if that is right! That is a very appropriate name for it.

My tank....its a 48 gallon long, VHO florescents, a kinda weird protein skimmer/possible refuge-ish area in one? This is my dad's tank although I take a lot of interest in it, as it is my practice one until I get my own. So the specifics of a lot of the equipment are unknown to me. I'm gonna take a picture of this skimmer, maybe someone will know what it is? It looks positively ancient!

blue damsel
yellowtail damsel
two false percs
two orange spotted gobies

three feather dusters
handful of snails
one cleaner shrimp
anemone crab

long tentacled anemone
sebae anemone
tree coral
sea pen
open brain coral
ricordia mushrooms
green florescent mushrooms
some bristleworms I've seen hanging around and a slug as well!

the frogspawn I am very happy with...we started with four heads about 2.5 months ago and almost instantly each head separated into two!


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
Here's your full tank shot Maha but I always think this tank looks better in pieces lol

Here's the sea pen and others

Here's Chubby's friend, Mr. Funtime sister and I were bored coming up with names

The mushrooms...I've been eyeing a purple one of these at my local Big Als

And the protein skimmer...I think it says CPR on it...I was wondering if I could take out that media and just put live rubble or algae in it, but it doesn't work that way does it? Can someone tell me what the media is there for and if it's neccesary? Thanks!


Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
hmm that is a CPR skimmer but I'd take out the media, they are more helpful left out of reef tanks and i'm not 100% sure about putting LR in there might work you can always try cant hurt if it's already in the tank ;D


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i really like the tank... how strong are your lights??? also it would look so so so much better if you changed the backround to solid blue or black ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes I am running that same skimmer on my 20g. I have the reef ready version which has a pvc pipe that runs to the bottom of the return chamber to reduce bubbles also I fed an airstone.....into the bubble chamber and it increased production immensely.....and I take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas to my old stomping grounds in Burnaby and the lower mainland........been gone from there since 98 and all my family is still there......missing them at Christmas.....


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
hey lorna, xmas in burnaby was really nice this year and quite sunny...where i was anyways...

yeah i think i will take the media out of the skimmer was well, that probably explains why my nitrates never went lower than 20.

as for my lights, i am unsure of how many watts they are as this is my dad's tank...i still need to learn more technical sides of this hobby. i do know they are VHO and there are two 48'' white ones and one blue.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Sounds great! You have some nice specimens in that tank.......

After all that wicked weather in November and early December it was probably a godsend to have nice weather over the holidays........Happy New Year!


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
K so I looked up some macroalgae and I think this picture before seems to look most like my algae. its called Porphyra leucosticta but i can't seem to find out if its good and if it is indeed smothering my tree coral...any thoughts?

Lorna, even you heard how bad the weather was before! lol it was horrible and pretty cold for the lower mainland but at least i got a few snow days out of it...happy new years to you too

shroomman, the sebae has been there for about 3 months and it was completely bleached when we purchased it. my sister picked it out because she thought it was pretty...when i came home and saw it i was so disappointed! but good news is that it started to gain back substantial dark/tan-ness about a month ago so i think it should be okay.

the lta we've had for about 2.5 months and it was quite small at first and now it grows to a peak of about 6-7 inches across its top without counting the tentacles each day. its quite large!

joefish i will try to take the picture soon but my camera is in the shop...should have one soon though


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
Also here is a picture of the sebae taken in the beginning of november...i'm glad to have the picture for comparison!



I'm quite happy about it! he looks great!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow excellent comeback on the sebae........have you been feeding it and if so what? that and light are important in trying to save a bleached nem.......looks great!