New Problems... :(

Dec 28, 2011
ok thanks. I'm just wondering, if something like an ick outbreak occurs if im missing something on this pair or because they get stressed, I have available to me my friend's old 10g, but i don't think it has a heater. I don't know if I can acquire a heater, I'd need a cheaper one that works. or would it be ok to just plop them in the 10g and occasionally add more heated water? In a worst case scenario, I'd have to treat my whole tank (which I don't want to do) but that would hurt the cycle if I've learned correctly? Has anybody had any luck with treating ick without medications? It wouldn't harm anybody to raise the heater up a few degrees, and do water changes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Is there some reason you are expecting ich? IME platies aren't as prone to it as some of the other fish so hopefully if they don't already have it, they won't get it. I am thinking platies don't stress out as easily as some fish. What temp are you keeping your tank? Using the 10g without a heater would not be a good idea. I don't think adding warm water to keep the temp up would work. I think in order to even come close to keeping an even temp would be a full time job 24/7.

Dec 28, 2011
I'm questioning it because i question a fish store that i've never been to and i've never seen for myself the health of their fish. It's just that the one smaller mickey mouse platy seems lethargic and I can't get a good look at her in the corner of a bag. the other one I released, she's a red wag and seems to be doing perfectly fine... my friend got back to me about the tank and it does have a sufficient heater and filter that she can bring over tomorrow or possibly tonight... I'm sorry for all my questioning but after what's happened I'm just trying to make sure everybody is happy and in the best conditions possible.

Dec 28, 2011
And apparently I was correct to think of ick because she swam to the center of the bag where I can clearly see a few tiny white spots on her fins. in to the old 2.5 gallon old betta tank she goes. I stuck the little tank near a heating vent in my spare room, maybe a pathetic attempt at saving the water temp a bit for the night until i can get the poor thing to a heater tomorrow. If she survives the night I might see what i can do for her and if not shes getting taken back to that store for a refund.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Some times air bubbles get trapped in the slime coat of stressed fish, So keep an eye on them to see if they move, disappear or increase in number.

Dec 28, 2011
ok i'll keep an eye out for that, thanks again. I think I need to keep her in the small tank for a couple days atleast with the filter and heater to see if she gains some colour anyway. I don't know if she is mildly transparent due to younger age, sickness, stress of the move or I have x-ray vision, or im just going cazy

Dec 28, 2011
In anybody's opinion, if the one spot I can see on her tail goes away or nothing changes, as in there are no new spots, It would then be safe to put her in my main tank, no? How long should I keep her in the little tank to ensure her health? It really doesn't seem like anything is bothering the little platy except for the fact she doesn't have a lot of room to roam so she just occasionally swims around and then sits for a bit, and she seems lonely :(