New Set Up


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Lotus they are a captive bred true perc pair that I just got. My other pair were sold with my 75g set up, I didn't have the heart to seperate them from their host. These guys will find something to host in and I am thinking it may be the duncans, though who knows it took my other pair over 2 years to find the nem. I know this though, I am not putting an anemone in this tank, it is too small and they tend to take over.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have no clue why I thought the clowns were from your other setup. The duncan does look like something clowns would like.

My tank-bred ocellaris decided they needed a host. I guess even the tank-bred ones feel the need--they just don't know what they're looking for exactly.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Thanks...I again hand picked the rock at Premium Aquatics. it is Bali Alor and it is extremely holey and light. That rock only weighed in at 24 lbs but I wouldn't want any more than that in a tank that size as it would take up too much room. I have about 10lbs of rubble in the drain area of the sump.

Lotus the funny thing about that duncan is that it is the home of a small green clown gobie, he hides in there which is funny especially if the clowns decide that is where they want to hang out. Right now they just like that one corner. I have a piece of hammer and frogspawn I am going to put in and they may go for that.