New tank help please


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I have a 15 gallon tank setup and running, and this weekend il be purchasing my starter fish. im hoping to get an Amazon puffer for the tank. id like to know what are some good fish to start the tank with and are compatible with this puffer so far all the websites i checked havent offered me and tankmates. all help will be greatly appreciated thanx *thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Amazon puffers grow too big for a 15g, they get to about 5 inches. If you want puffers, stick to dwarf puffers (of which you'd be able to keep a few), but bear in mind these generally should be kept without other fish because they're quite boisterous. They need to eat small meat foods, so brine shrimp and bloodworm work well.

Are you cycling the tank? How long have you had it set up and running? Generally "starter fish" (i.e. those used to cycle the tank rather than cycling the tank without fish) generally don't fare too well and I would not reccommend this type of cycling, and particularly I'd avoid using puffers for it if this is your chosen method.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
my initial plan is 2 get starter fish to cycle the tank then add the puffer (if i ever find one) ive searched alot of neighboring citys for one and havent got 1 yet. i may have to order 1 threw the local petsmart. any tips on fish to start the cycle?

Feb 27, 2009
I'm confused. You said you were getting two "starter fish to cycle the tank" but then that you "did a cycle of som sorts"....

How long did it take to complete your cycle?

"The cycle" is the nitrogen cycle. You need to cultivate a colony of beneficial bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrate.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
ok. i setup the tank 2 weeks ago. it has 2 live plants in it (cabomba and a potted plant) and some snails that were 2 small to see on the plants. 2 days after i set it up the water turned that merky white color. 2 days later it cleared and i tested the water. everything says safe. also the filter im using just came out of another fish tank so it has some lil algae on it and other stuff. it has an airator and 2 decorations in it right now. let me know if you think i need to add more because i know puffers get bored easily. thanx *SUNSMILE*

Feb 27, 2009
i tested the water. everything says safe.
What does 'everything says safe' mean? What readings did you get for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate now?

Have you been feeding the snails? Two snails may not be enough of a bioload to keep any beneficial bacteria alive and thriving.

Please make sure your tank is 'cycled' completely before adding any fish, let alone a puffer. Puffers are a scaleless fish and are very sensitive to poor water quality.

Feb 27, 2009
I have no idea what kit that is. What numbers are 'safe' for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

Is it a strip of paper? If so, they are not known for giving actual numbers. You need a reading that gives you PPM readings (parts per million) to know if the tank is cycled. The kit to use is one that uses test tubes and liquid drops you add to the water.

Did you feed the snails?

Your tank is too small for a rainbow shark. That fish needs at least a 55 gallon tank.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
yes we want the numbers for the ppm like orange said. what is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph levels? sounds like to me you are not cycled but levels say good. reasons levels will say good is because you have no ammonia in there to convert to nitrite or nitrites to convert to nitrates. you need these to have a good balance in there. it creates a beneficial bacteria for the fish so they can live. if you havent added any pure ammonia or fish that cause a bioload then your tank is not cycled although your tank may read alright. do not add any puffers yet. also do know there are a lot of puffers that are brackish water fish. make sure you get a freshwater puffer if you are doing freshwater.

doing a fish in cycle is cruel if you dont know what you are doing because you will stress and kill a fish. its like throwing you on another planet that doesnt have or barely has enough properties/oxygen/gravity, the necessity things we need to breathe and live. we recommend you going on a search on here and search for cycling a tank and you should get a few threads how to do and how to do it safely. just because you used someones filter setup DOES NOT mean you have the beneficial bacteria that you need. that was for their setup not yours. also, and someone correct me if im wrong, but after the filter dries up a little bit you loose your beneficial bacteria.

the snails that you have, did they hitch hike in off the plants or did you buy them? if they hitch hiked you will want to cycle your tank correctly and start doing it right away because you will soon be VERY overpopulated with those snails and you will want a good running tank and get those puffers in there so they eat the snails. they do not need to mate and will lay egg pouches everywhere with like 5-10 eggs in each pouch and you will start to see 100's of pouches then hundreds of snails. trust me ive been dealing with it for a year and a half now

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