New tank help please

Feb 27, 2009
i put 2 of my guppies in there yesterday for a whole day then put them back in there 5gal tank. there fine. and ive had this snail issue before but i left them for the puffer. so my tank is definetly not cycled?
This new tank is not cycled.

Is your 5 gallon tank cycled?

Your readings are missing ammonia. You never said if it was a test strip or liquid test kit.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
follow the directions on a fishless cycle and DONT add any fish and you will save yourself time and money.

you want a liquid test kit. strips suck and ARE NOT accurate. either that or take your water to a local LFS and have them test your water. most of the time they will do it for free. also dont let them tell you its just fine or good, tell them you want them to write ALL the numbers down for everything

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
good deal. best of luck to you. come back and ask more questions. questions are good and its always beneficial/cheaper/less stressful for a aquarist. dont think questions are stupid and dont think any of us are jumping down your throat we are really trying to help.

you have entered a great site with LOTS of info and LOTS of experience

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
and if you dont necessarily want to wait for an answer and create a thread, more than likely your question has been asked and there has been a thread about it if not 30. just utilize the search icon inbetween quick links and new posts on the bar at the top. the search icon can be very useful. and heck, search, then read, then come back and ask more questions or why and we will explain