The banded longfins are quite pretty , but have no personality, ditto firefish. I think problems with the hawk round shrimps are totally overrated, especially if you get one that's small. Ditto the longnose hawk. If you're looking lowbioload, character then the small hawks , super small angels would still be hihg on my shopping list, plectranthias (geometric pygmy hawk), not sure what else.
the problem with the flasher wrasses, fairy wrasss is that while they are nice fish, if you keep them singly the colours fade.
I tihnk you need to get a stock availability list, and a couple of good books on fish, and get looking. The Scott Michael book on dottybacks, hawks and basslets looks a good start. You know there is a lot of stuff available if you ask, look that will not normally appear in a shop as noone asks, buys them.