New tank questions!


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011

I have acquired a 29 gallon tank from my father-in-law. Went to pick it up and he said he cleaned it for me, with soapy water! :eek: I thought that's just great!! So I got it home and went ahead and put everything in it and got it set up. I know I probably should have rinsed it out some more but it's too heavy for me to bring in and out of the house.

My question is, how long should I wait before trying to cycle it, knowing he washed it out with soapy water? The filter is running, as is the heater. (if that matters at all)



Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I cannot give any pointers from experience as I have never set up a tank washed with soapy water. The outcome may well depend on how well the tank was rinsed by your in law.
Please keep us informed as things progress.
Perhaps only one or two hardy and cheap fish to begin with.
Cycling may as well begin right away if you are already set up.


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
I have the filter, heater and a bubbler running. Put gravel and several fake plants in it. Has been set up since Tuesday night. My husband got some danios (mixed varieties, mostly zebra and leopard long fin) the other night and that's what we are going to put in it first. Right now they are in my ten gallon tank which has been going for over a year. I have guppies, six neon tetras, and the seven danios in it. I'm sure it's way over stocked.

Thought about putting the danios in today, but want to make sure the soap residue won't get em!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Take the filter pads/sponges out of the filter in your 10g, and give then a good "washing/swishing" in the water for your 29g it will really help jumpstart the process in the 29


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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If it's got gravel in it already, might as well run with it – no way you'll get it any cleaner with that lot in there

If it was bare – might have been worth heating it up and draining it a few times – but never mind


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
Purple: darn I knew I should have asked first.

nanu156: being that it was washed with soap, will it matter at all??

so anyone think it will be ok to put the danios in tonight, or should I was a little longer??


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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All you could have done is heat the tank, add salt, scrub a bit more - then rinse twice

Warm water dissolve soap - so does salt

With gravel etc in there - i'm gonna say run with it - if there was enough soap left to worry the fish, you'd have foam on the top

You're situation isn't ideal, but there's no need to make a mountain out of a mole hill - if you're really worried - just put one fish in - if it's still swimming 24 hrs later then you're good to go

Don't forget you'll still need to cycle the tank one way or another


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
No foam on top, but water is getting cloudy now. Have not added any fish. Some of the plants I put in have been used before, and I probably didn't rise them after. Could they still have the bacteria on them? Also using some gravel that has been used.

So now that I have cloudy water, still ok to try a fishy in there??


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
No foam on top, but water is getting cloudy now. Have not added any fish. Some of the plants I put in have been used before, and I probably didn't rise them after. Could they still have the bacteria on them? Also using some gravel that has been used.

So now that I have cloudy water, still ok to try a fishy in there??
Sorry if double posting isn't allowed. Just wanted to add that I went ahead and put a danio in the 29 gallon. Guess we'll see what happens! Will post again in the morning to let you all know if it made it through the night!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Anything that has dried out won't have any bacteria left on it or in it - you need either substrate or filter media from your 10 gal in there to start the cycle quickly.

Cloudy water could be caused for a lot of reasons, but keep an eye on it


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
Ok, guess I should have know that!!

Water is crystal clear today, and the danio made it last night.*BOUNCINGS Can I add some of her buddies? or should I wait? (pretty sure this one is female, has a rounded body. lol)

Thanks for helping me so far, this is best fish forum i've been in!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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What you now add and when depends entirely on cycling that tank – I'd suggest no more than two fish to begin with until you are getting consistent zero readings for at least one week, then add another two the next week and carry on like that – it's slow – but it's safer, and doesn't involve frantic water changes.

How do you intend to cycle the tank ? - and how many Danios do you have ?

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Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
I know many people frown upon it, but I was going to cycle with fish. Planned on putting some filter media from my ten gallon in the 29 gallon also.

I think I have six more danios to move. Should I go ahead and put another in? Then put two more in next weekend?

This is my second tank I've ever cycled, I have a test kit, probably not what is recommended though. Thanks for your help again! *SUPERSMIL


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello ; I have done fish in cycle for decades. (before I even knew that it was called cycling) You have an advantage of an established tank to pull material from. I take some live plants and snails from an established tank, put them in the new tank and let it run for a week. I then put one fish in for a day or two. Then put another fish or two for a few days. This seems to do a few good things. One, the snails and plants will have some beneficial bacterial on their surfaces. Two, the snails and plants respire and produce ammonia to feed the beneficial bacteria. (Plants respire during the dark much like animals and use the sugars produced during the light period.) Adding new fish a few at a time gives the bacteria time to establish colonies in the new tank with less of a chance of an ammonia spike. It is a slow process of adding fish over a period of many weeks that has worked for me. I also aviod the use of conditioning chemicals this way (This will not work with all water, some water plants add stuff that requires that you use conditioning stuff to make it safe.)
You can also use some of the substrate, filter material or ornaments from the old tank to seed the new with bacteria.

Setting up a new tank with fish can be done with good results.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Nothing wrong with doing a fish in cycle – and Danios are quite hardy in that respect.

I'm going to suggest you have two ways of doing this, but please understand this is my opinion, and you are all free to argue with it, or agree with it - but ultimately, it's up to the tank keeper and no one else as to what advice they take.

Option one - two fish in there now – and wait for the readings to settle, which could take up to a month or so before adding more fish at the rate of two a week. This will produce a gentle controlled cycle, with no panic points involved (hopefully)

Option two – take all the filter media out of your ten gal tank filter, and put it into the filter in the 30 gal tank, and add all the Danios into the 30 straight away. Refill the filter media in the 10 gal filter with new, or from some salvaged from the filter on the 30.

If you take option two, the filter in the 30 will then be seeded and come up to speed very quickly, probably straight away as it has been dealing with a full load for a few days now. The 10 will then have far less fish in it, and enough bacteria on the tank and substrate surfaces to deal with new filter media, and will get that filter in the 10 back up to speed fast. Do not clean the 10 for at least a week, and do not over feed the fish.

Your tank – youe choice

Whichever way you go – check the water readings regularily in both tanks for ammonia and nitrite


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
So i'm going with option number...... 2! lol! I thought i'd get the danios out of the ten gallon because they are stressing the guppies anyway. Danios sure are fast little things!

How often should I be checking the water??


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Test the water in both tanks every day for the first three days – after that - if all is looking good (and I think it will be) – then slide it back to every two days - then back to weekly if you are happy with how things are turning out

I can't see this going wrong, but it's best to be carefull and check it anyway


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2011
Alrighty! Sounds like a good plan! *thumbsups Everything is good right now, just tested.

Thanks for your help!! Do you like the color purple?? (thought i'd ask since that's your username lol!)

Will let you know how we are doing tomorrow!;)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Help is what we do on here – there are some good people on this forum - welcome to the tank ….

I do like the colour purple – though the nick was given to me back in my biker days – when nicks were given, not chosen (and that ones a long story)

Sorry to cost you a small fortune in water testing kit – lol – but I don't like to take chances with someone elses fish ….... I'd put money on this turning out just fine – but like I said – it aint my tank