Cut and paste time .....
flame angel <<Good choice, tho' there are other centropyge: Get two small at the same time and let them pair>>
lawnmover blenny <<OK>>
2 percula clown <<Not my favourite>>
2 firefish<<ditto - why not 5 or 6>>
painted fairy wrasse <<Nice>>
yellow tang
hippo tang <<Nice size tank for this fish>>
fridmani dottyback <<Get them captive bred>>
green mandarin <<OK, maybe. Beware competition for food from the wrasse, gramma and hawk>>
royal gramma <<OK>>
flame hawk <<OK>>
achilles tang <<Tough, nice fish, and you have a decent sized tank. But they have a rep for being difficult, needing super high quality water, and LOTS of water movement, which is probably a bunch more than you'll want to provide>>
clown goby <<You'll never see them>>
sixline wrasse <<Yes, but WILL ocmpete directly with the manadarin for food.>>
possum wrasse (You'll never see this either>>
what do yo guys think[/QUOTE]
You have a lot of different types of fish. I find it better to have more examples of fewer fish. I guesss you're still looking for a 'show fish' - I don't think I would recommend the achilles to a newbie - it will be pretty aggressive as well as enviromentally sensitive.