new tank


Small Fish
Mar 7, 2006
ok i think ive got my list almost done
here's what ive got so far:

flame angel
lawnmover blenny
2 percula clown
2 firefish
painted fairy wrasse
yellow tang
hippo tang
fridmani dottyback
green mandarin
royal gramma
flame hawk
achilles tang
clown goby
sixline wrasse
possum wrasse

what do yo guys think


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cut and paste time .....

flame angel <<Good choice, tho' there are other centropyge: Get two small at the same time and let them pair>>
lawnmover blenny <<OK>>
2 percula clown <<Not my favourite>>
2 firefish<<ditto - why not 5 or 6>>
painted fairy wrasse <<Nice>>
yellow tang
hippo tang <<Nice size tank for this fish>>
fridmani dottyback <<Get them captive bred>>
green mandarin <<OK, maybe. Beware competition for food from the wrasse, gramma and hawk>>
royal gramma <<OK>>
flame hawk <<OK>>
achilles tang <<Tough, nice fish, and you have a decent sized tank. But they have a rep for being difficult, needing super high quality water, and LOTS of water movement, which is probably a bunch more than you'll want to provide>>
clown goby <<You'll never see them>>
sixline wrasse <<Yes, but WILL ocmpete directly with the manadarin for food.>>
possum wrasse (You'll never see this either>>

what do yo guys think[/QUOTE]
You have a lot of different types of fish. I find it better to have more examples of fewer fish. I guesss you're still looking for a 'show fish' - I don't think I would recommend the achilles to a newbie - it will be pretty aggressive as well as enviromentally sensitive.


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
Kirkwood, MO
i agree with Wayne, the achilles tang may be a thorn in your side. it WILL attack one of the other tangs, it will pick one of them and kill it, its just a matter of time. If you must have 3 tangs, I'd go with the sailfin or Desairdin (sp.?). its a fun, active, and much less aggressive tang and my personal favorite. also, I'd suggest the false percula clowns instead. more peaceful and tolerant than the true, but again thats just my opinion.

good luck, sounds like one awesome tank!