new tank


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2006
joliet illinios
i have a new 10 gallon tank,all paremeters are fine.what can i stock in there.
i really like the whole shark look.but i was thinking also maybe

8 neon tetras
2-3 red-headed tetras
2-3 bleher's tetras
would that be ok?

or what about this stocking option
1 bristlenose catfish
3 glowlight tetra
5 blehers tetra


Superstar Fish
No type of "shark" will fit in that tank.

And each stocking list you have is *way* too much. On top of that, tetras are schooling fish, they need their own company. You shouldn't be mixing "a couple of this, a couple of that" unless you've got sufficient schools of each. And you certainly don't have room for that.

In a 10g tank, you could have, say, 6 neons or glowlights - and that's really it besides snails and shrimp. Even that I wouldn't do myself. I've got those fish in much, much larger tanks and they are active throughout the whole tank.

A bristlenose pleco should also have a bigger tank so that they have enough surface to graze on.


Superstar Fish
Wow. Coolfish, I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic or serious. What you have listed in your tank is beyond overstocked, it's cruel. I really hope you're joking. Clown loaches would need about an 90 gallon + tank, the plecos add even more. Even just 15 mollies is ridiculous in a 10g tank.

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
ok so if you had a new 10 gallon tank what would you put in it then.just forgwt what everyone else said.and tell us what you would put in a 10 gallon tank then leopardess


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
balafreak and sharkshak, both of you all have gotten on here saying the same things. We are not here to plan your tanks for you. Research some of the fish you like and then put a plan to gether and then get on here and as k us if we think it is appropriate. NO sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sharkshak, did you get rid of that IS? If not, you need to. A 10 gallon tank really doesn't leave you a whole lot of options. before you go any further, you need to understand what it means to care for a tank. Neither of you not what you are doing. I know that sounds harsh but it is the truth! You all need to read up on the stickies at the top of this forum and you need to slow down considerably!!!!!! Like I said, research, understand cycling, and accept the fact that you are very limited in your stocking choices for the size of your tank. Maybe once you accept that you cannot put ANY sharks in that tank then you can start researching some fish you can put in there such as some dwarf cichlids or something. AGAIN, all these fish require specific care!!!!! You are going to have to be super diligent on water changes with any fish you put in there, it is a very small environment!!! READ, READ, READ!!!!!!!!!!


Superstar Fish
10g's are really smaller than most people treat them. I think they are great for dwarf gouramis, bettas, paradise fish, shrimp, frogs, pygmy cories, dwarf cories, guppies, endler's livebearers, etc. Not schooling fish of any larger size and certainly not multiple schools.

And I get the idea you think I'm being unreasonable because I'm saying that mollies, clown loaches and common plecos are too big, as well as three schools of fish. If that's the case...well then I don't know what to say to you.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think with a 10G tank I'd probably get some corydoras (maybe 3) of a type that stays around or under 2 inches (panda, pygmy and a few others) and then a school of 5 harlequin rasboras or another fish that stays small like leo mentioned the glowlights, neons, cardinals, ember tetras (if you can find them) and then an apple snail. That stocking would be full and you'd have to be sure to have good equipment (filter and heater suitable for that size tank) and keep up with your weekly 30%+ water changes...and it goes without saying that the tank would have to be cycled first or you'd need to cycle it with a hardy species.

Just because your parameters are 'good' now, doesn't mean much of anything because once you put a fish in there, they will cease to be 'good' and thats what kills the fish.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Are you referring to Bleher's Congo tetra?

If you really want tetras, you might get away with about 6 of them -- and only them -- in a tank that size. The 12 tetras you have listed isn't reasonable. It's never a good idea to get tetras in groups of two or three, they need to be in larger groups. This is why Leopardess is suggesting other non-schooling fish. It really would be a better tank.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2006
joliet illinios
im pretty sure all it said is that there bleher tetra but ill check again.

ember tetras (if you can find them)-queted by froggy fox
are they hard to find ive never looked for ember tetra before.

Last edited:
Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
balafreak: Are there any fish in the ten gallon right now? How do you know what the parameters are? Fine, doesnt mean anything. If you dont have anyfish in the tank then of course the water is fine but the tank hasnt cycled yet. Unless you are doing a fishless cycle then I would say that your tank is not fine yet. Maybe you and shark shak should combine your money and get a bigger tank if you want those types of fish.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2006
joliet illinios
i dont have any fish but i did.i had 6 neon tetras.but i believe they died of ntd.unsure though.what fish would you recomend.i would do research on it but im busy with school work and rely on you guys for most of my questions(sorry)

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
well, I thought that was what this site was for, help. Even though ya'll do post allot, and post the same stuff... but i agree with everyone else about NO SHARKS... but I'm new to the whole fish world too, so that about all i could say. I research allot of the questions that i ask, but i like to get real peoples opinions, if thats bad, then sorry. My advice to you, is to go to It has all kinds of fish, what size tank they should be in, and a compatibility chart. Thats where I got all my tank ideas from.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Lostnconfused, researching then asking about what you still do not understand and getting real people's opinions, is exactly the thing to do. Anybody who does so is a welcome addition to the board, I am sure.

However, when someone like balafreak feels that they are too busy to do their own research and expects board members to do it for them (we ALL have lives of our own!), it causes a certain amount of impatience and frustration. After all, we all have school/work, parents/children, spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends, pets, appointments, teams, hobbies. We are not the Free Aquatic Research Service. I haven't detected any of that kind of laziness (orneriness) in your posts, lostnconfused, so this isn't directed to you.

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
lol, i understand fully. I'm a mother and a wife, and have a full time job. I recently discoverd this hobby, and love it allot. I just hate the idea of getting on peoples nerves by asking stupid questions, and when I research something, and its controversial (will x and y get along, some say yes, and others say no) I like to get peoples opinions. I love this site and would hate to make anyone annoyed. thanks to everyone for your time and help!

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Balafreak: Most people here are in school and have work but they still seem to be able to do some research. I have 18 units in college and work 32 hours a week but like most people I still have time to do stuff. It is almost eaisier to do research I think then post in the threads b/c you have to wait for people to respond and it could take all day to get an answer while google can find what you are lookng for in 0.16 seconds for 103,327,379 matches. That may just be me

You had 6 neons like you said but they died. Im guessing your water isnt fine then like you stated in the first post.

How long has your tank been set up? what fish have been in there?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
homebunnyj said:
Lostnconfused, researching then asking about what you still do not understand and getting real people's opinions, is exactly the thing to do. Anybody who does so is a welcome addition to the board, I am sure.
Glad you mentioned that...I was gonna comment on that too (I agree with what you said). :)

Like lostnconfused said too, it's always nice to get opinions on the more 'controversial' findings that you come up with in researching various topics. Heck, even just for additional insights about things to which you already know the answer(s) (or think you do, anyway ;) ).

Often times the answers to these questions boil down to real people's experiences with these things, and this is the place to obtain just that.

Big Vine


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Bala, unless what you posted in your other thread about the neons is untrue, then they didn't die of NTD.

If you want us to tell you what to get (because you're too busy to research), then I'll tell you to get a dwarf gourami and three bronze cories.