new tank


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
So we just bought a 75 gal. tank and now I am researching fish. My husband wants Cardinal Tetras for sure and I'd kinda like 2 Kissing Gouramis. And I want Discus. I think they're beautiful. But I'm worried about the size of the tank, and I'm worried about the extensive water changes. Especially since my husband insists on a gravel bottom. Anyone got any suggestions?


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
maybe concider two of THESE

I'm gona get a couple once my tank cycles fully, Congrats on the new tank! *celebrate Are you going to run a sump?


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
GIS Guy said:
You sure are hot on sumps!

IIIIII like big SUMPS and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny!!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I wouldn't put kissing gouramis with discus, in my experience with them they seemed to pick on everyone. The cardinal tetras and discus will be a very good combo. And a 75gal would easily house 6-8 discus and a school of cardinals.

Gravel bottems can be problems yes, though you could probably get away with just weekly water changes....of course more is better so if you can do more do it but i know how tiring it is.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
what is a sump? I am totally new at this...hee hee... wish me luck. Do discus have to be kept under such dim lighting (yeah, yeah, I know they like it that way, but how are you supposed to see their pretty colors?), or are they okay with regular lighting and plants floating on top for shade?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Eh, i see the difficult label as a matter of perspective. Sure they are a little less hardy then most and a little more care should be taken. But after keeping them i'd in no way label them as difficult, or difficult enough that a avid fishkeeper can't keep.

For a beginner, ehhh yeah maybe could pose a challenge. For someone keeping fish for a short while, shouldn't be much of a problem. Just keep up on the water changes and provide a decent diet and thats it.

I find Blue Rams to be more difficult to keep then discus....i just can't keep rams alive in my tanks but my discus used to thrive (got rid of them just recently).

And to that last sentance, yes the view has changed for the most part. More is known about them now. The amount of breeding taking place now is huge steps above what it used to be also.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
usacutie81 said:
what is a sump? I am totally new at this...hee hee... wish me luck. Do discus have to be kept under such dim lighting (yeah, yeah, I know they like it that way, but how are you supposed to see their pretty colors?), or are they okay with regular lighting and plants floating on top for shade?
I am new to this too, so don’t take much stock in what I say about fish types, I just pick the pretty ones and read reviews *BOUNCINGS

As for the sump: Its a tank under your stand that you would put your filters, heaters, and it adds to the volume of water in the tank, easy water changes, constant water level, and from what I heard, its the best way to go. I don't have one yet, but that is the next step I'm taking with my new tank *twirlysmi


p.s. your in the right place for advice about new tanks, these guys/gals are awsome!

Jan 13, 2006
you got that right GIS guy lol

im planning on getting discus when i can afford them, and i have to agree, they wont be that hard to keep as long as you read up on what the need and provide it for them, good filtration and water params and waterchanges and a consistent diet, should be all yah need and of course a little tlc, and patientce.

Sep 9, 2006
I'm new to this whole site(first post ever!), but I thought I would add something:
I have 2 blue gouramis and a small angel and about 3 weeks ago I got 2 Discus. I was told that angels and discus could be a problem but mine have been fine together, same goes for the gouramis. well i was looking to get some more colorful fish that would go well with the Discus and the lady at the fish store told me to get lemon tetras, well i got 5..and 3 days later i only have one lonely tetra discus chased them and nipped at them; so did my gouramis...I don't know if my fish are just weird or what! good luck with your 75 gal!


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
sandlily15 said:
I'm new to this whole site(first post ever!), but I thought I would add something:
I have 2 blue gouramis and a small angel and about 3 weeks ago I got 2 Discus. I was told that angels and discus could be a problem but mine have been fine together, same goes for the gouramis. well i was looking to get some more colorful fish that would go well with the Discus and the lady at the fish store told me to get lemon tetras, well i got 5..and 3 days later i only have one lonely tetra discus chased them and nipped at them; so did my gouramis...I don't know if my fish are just weird or what! good luck with your 75 gal!

u might wanna be careful with all that in a 30 gallon.

discus were thought to be VERY difficult because everyone tried to keep the ph around 7.0 or lower. they can live in a wide variety of conditions as long as they are steady. biggest thing is water changes. on a 75g. water changes are kind of a pain. but like someone else said, u can probably get away with doing around 50% a week as opposed to the recommended every day water change from many discus sites. people that recommend that dont have anything else to do but take care of fish. realistically once a week will work out. breeding them is another story and water changes would then need to be done more often. also a side note: although they are labeled "peaceful" fish, they are cichlids and from my experience are far from peaceful. they are very territorial, especially during feeding. when i first got mine i thought there was something wrong because they constantly chasing eachother. i asked my lfs about the aggression and they told me they have actually lost a couple discus do to aggression.


New Fish
Aug 30, 2006
Discus are not hard to keep. You need a good filtration system and PLENTY of water changes. I would have to disagree with Risk2123. Water changes are an essential part of keeping discus. Depending on the size will determine how much of the hormone they will release in the water. What I mean by that is discus especially when they are young release a hormone That will stunt their growth.Since discus like to be some what in groups not changing the water regularly will have a dramatic effect on their size later on down the road. As the fish get bigger and older then the amount of water changes can be decreased. Think about it ....These fish are not cheap the little time you spend in maintaining you fish tank will produce some nice fish.For those still in doubt read about in one of whattleys books. Its documented on the experiments he conducted on the pros and cons of water changes.

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