new to marine aquarium

Dec 9, 2009
hi . i have a twenty five gallon fish tank its dimensions are 30'' wide 18'' tall and 12'' back. will this work as a saltwater tank . i have been reading marine fish and reef magazine for about a year no i have red saltwater aquarium for dummies twice front to back so i know a little . i want this tank to have anemones,fish ,and other invertabraete. any tips or advice is very welcome

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Hi, congratulations on your choice to start saltwater. A 25 gallon tank will work fine for a saltwater beginner. You should keep no more than 2 fish in a tank that size. Invertabrates such shrimp, and especially crabs an snails will be good as well. I would not put in any anemones in a tank that small. Please read the stickies at the beginning of the Saltwater forum as well. They contain a wealth of Knowledge.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
nope not this one.

Welcome to the salty side. A 25g will offer lots of possibilities and to be successful I would suggest reading the stickies as that information is somewhat more current than that found in Saltwater for Dummies. Look at getting live rock to act as your biological filter. A protein skimmer is not essential but would be a benefit, water changes are a necessity and need to be done dilligently if no skimmer. A couple powerheads for water movement and a heater and you are set for a fish only tank. Lighting can and will be expensive but is necessary if you are wanting to keep corals. Once you have a fish only set up mastered we can point you in the direction for good beginner corals.

Dec 9, 2009

ty far replying . so no anemone in this tank i can live with that for now lol. i am going to get a protien skimmer and heater. in fact they are the only things my tank didn't come with. it came with a cascade 200 power filter with bio-fall, and a maxi jet submersible power head. oh yea penn-Plax made the power filter in case anyone was wondering . i am planning on using living rock any suggestions on how much ill need? oh and i read that there is a putty you can use to stick your living rock together to make rock formations is this true? oh and i have two fish tank air pumps and air stones brand and size unknown (there aren't any stickers specifying ). do i need another power head or will what i have work?

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
General rule of thumb is at least 1 lb of live rock per gallon of water. 25 to 30 lbs of rock would be great. You will not need the air stones or air pumps. SW creatures like water flow more than bubbles. They get their oxygen that they need from water flow. get a couple powerheads and aim one toward the center of the tank and one toward the water surface to generate surface aggitation (that is where you will get your oxygen). You want at least 20 times your tank volume per hour in water movement. If you put in a couple powerheads, you don't really need the filter. Then later you can add your protein skimmer and you will be set. You don't really need the skimmer until your livestock is in the tank. As far as the putty goes, yes, you can get a putty to hold your rocks together. As for me, I prefer not to stick them together. It makes it easier if you want to move your rocks or take them out for cleaning purposes.

Dec 9, 2009

so i dont need the filter... ok reasoning behind this please? i just want to use the putty to make a few structures out of my living rock . i am having trouble finding a good live rock vendor any suggestions?

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
You do not need live sand. Your live rock will make your substrate live in due time. Just get a 30 lb bag of aragonite and you will be fine. If you mean you are cycling your tank now, wait until you put your live rock in because it will go through another cycle once you put it in anyway.

Dec 9, 2009

i didnt know that i thought you used the living rock in place of sand or regular rock. ok , now that i know how much living rock i need i just have to scrape the money together to get it and find a trustworthy vendor to get it from the only place around here that i know of that sells it is petco so i guess ill start there. oh and ive decided to get at least two or three different types of living rock (rock collected from different places) in the hopes of getting i wider range of beneficial organisms . anymore tips are appreciated . im just tryin to get the salt and ph levels to level out currently

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
You are better off ordering off the internet instead of buying from petco. You can get it a lot cheaper that way, and often times you can find it on a place like Craigslist. I would say the most popular is Fiji Live rock, but there are many types. I actually have 100 lbs of Carribean Rock in my tank and I love the way it looks. Check around on Craigslist or see if you have a Reef club in your area. People who are looking to get out of the hobby, or downsizing will often sell it at a great price and once more it was taken from an established system so your cycling time will be greatly reduced. If not, check around the internet for places that sell it. You can find a lot of places that sell it and ship it to your front door much cheaper than you can buy in a store locally.

Are you using RO water to fill your tank? Tap water contains a lot of stuff in it that is not good for Saltwater. A lot of pwople put a RO system in their house for that purpose, but you can also buy it in bulk at your local supermarket, Walmart, etc. for 30 to 40 cents per gallon. Just bring your own containers and fill them up.

Do not worrry too much about your pH right now. Between the salt and the Substrate, it will eventually buffer out to the desired level.

Dec 9, 2009

i would have never thought of craigs list lol. thanks for that tip. i used culligan water to fill my tank. but out of curiosity , what kinds of things can be in tap water that can hurt your fish? i know chlorine but that can be removed right? i live in caldwell idaho

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Dec 9, 2009

ok i looked on craigs list and i found four people who all wanted to sell there whole tank not piece it out. i dont need a whole tank :C. i also found a guy who sells live rock and coral out of his house but i talked to him and he seemed kind of sketchy about his details so i will have to go to his house and see his rock .but he implied that he deals by shipping only. im not gonna buy it from him without seeing it.