new to saltwater!


New Fish
Dec 16, 2003
Visit site
Good for you! I'm glad the shrimp is still alive!!:D What kind of cleaner shrimp is this? My own skunk cleaner only hid for a couple of hours but each animal is different...:)

Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
First of all that is a condy anemone. It will not host your clown. Watch it though it might try to eat your clown. They do not need much light, but you will have to feed it more than brine shrimp. I would suggest some frozen krill or silversides. Every other day.

Your rock, from the pics, do not look live, or even cured. But that may just be the pics. Did you get the rocks off a shelf or from a established tank.

If you got them off a shelf the tank is not even starting to cycle. The algae is diatom algae and is a common occurence.

The shrimp was probably molting. They do this as they grow. They will hide for several days while their new exoskeleton will harden.

I would suggest getting rid of the damsels. With the money you get back, if any, buy a test kit. Make sure it has ammonia and a nitrate test kit. Nitrates will kill fish.

Next time ask questions before you just throw something in your tank. It can be dangerous.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
To start with, you probably have over loaded your tank. Have you taken any tests? Any sign of Ammonia or Nitrite is a bad thing. A good hint that these are high if your anemone begins to die. As for your shrimp he could be hiding in the live rock, he could of climbed out of the tank, or if your anemone is big enough it could of eaten it. The anenome looks a lot like a long tentacled anenome. This needs a t least 3 watts of light and a 3 inch bed of sand to bury its foot in. Without either of these it will begin to die.

Sam Reef
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20 Gallon Reef
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