New to this site, and fish tanks in general~


Medium Fish
May 9, 2006
usually at yur local pet store the carry dechlorinator. each bottle is designed for different sizes of tanks, the potentcy is very different in each. but for a 10 gallon id say it isnt that hard to maintain. make sure u let the tank cycle and get a heater or else yur list of fish is quite limited, i know without a heater u could get danios or coldwater goldfish but those seem kind of plain to me. you will want to watch out for ammonia and nitrite spikes, every tank is different in size. for 10g it might be 4-5 weeks before u can put some fish in, tetras and danios are very hardy and they can withstand these spikes, if u were plsnning on getting small fish u could try zebra danios or cardinal or neon tetras. if yur concerned about water temperatures go to this link here they have everything u need to know about each fish species