Nitrites drop to 0, no change in nitrates..what's up?


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Sorry about your Cory:( I would definately get a timer. Like any other living species, fish need daylight and dark to begin and end at regular intervals. Even when you are not away, a timer is a good idea. I know with my hectic life there would be some days that the tank light would just be forgoten.:eek: And unless you have a cat or some other reason that the light might become unstable, it should be fine while you are away.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
You don't need to leave the lights on while you're gone, even with plants. I do it all the time, sometimes as long as 2 weeks. Plants use ammonia and nitrates as a food source, so you'd be doing a good thing if you put them in now. :)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

Sorry about the loss of your peppered cory.

lauraj said:
I should probably look into a dwarf variety of catfish due to the size of my tank.
I highly recommend these little guys, if you can find them in your area (which is where, by the way?) They are called dwarf hastatus cories, and they're maybe an inch in length at the most. Best kept in a group of 6 or more.

I'm with Seleya and SANND on the anacharis suggestion. It will be just fine for several weeks with the lights left completely off.

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I'm sorry to hear about your cory. I know he was your favorite and a real concern with the cycle. :(

Definitely try the plants -- you don't know if you'll like it until you try it! If you come up to NH and know which highways you'll be going up, I can give you some fish store recommendations. Skipton's in Boston has some really nice dwarf cories right now among many other options and some nifty plants as well. There are also some very nice places in Millis, Indian Orchard (western MA) and Worcester.

Don't worry about the lights -- anacharis (also java moss and java fern along with some crypts) would probably do well in a closet which is why it's a great plant to start with. Ambient light will be fine; dark will not cause it any problems in the short term. When I put anacharis in my goldfish tanks, they will nibble all the leaves off, I toss the stems into a trop tank (where they have smaller mouths) and, once the plants regrow, pop them back into my goldfish tanks -- they're very hardy. ;)


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
OK, I'm convinced.:D Especially after reading the profile for anachris. I think I can handle it, and if it's good for the fish, I'm there. I might just try to run out tonight to get some. I've noticed the plants at the Petsmart near here. That's about the only store I'd buy anything alive from. All the other lps have dead fish in each tank.....not an encouraging sign.

I'm curious, are there just fish stores where all of you live? All we have in this part of PA is general pet stores.

Great shot of your dwarf cories, Big Vine....they're adorable. I will have to look for them once my tank is ready.

I'm sure I've already said thanks to all of you for your help, but thanks again!!!


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Hi Seleya, Dont mean to be rude, but I teach my kids never to give that kind of info on line and I have to follow my own advice. Please don't be offended, I just like to be careful. I appreciate you trying to help me find a good fish store, but I'll have to find one the old fashioned way......Google. Ha Ha

Haven't been able to get out to get some plants, but plan on it for sure tomorrow.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Ah Laura I wouldn't be worried about telling someone the nearest major city...many people even have that information on their profiles. Its not like she was asking for personally identifying information or your address.

Sometimes the best way to find a good store is to find other people in your area...I know I have my favorites around town and I'm not afraid to give people links or directions to them. Of course if you don't feel comfortable thats fine...and don't forget if you don't want to post it on the boards, you can still feel free to PM each other if you'd like.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
Hey, now I don't even give my town, ya know?! "Cape Cod" just gives people a point of reference. ;)

Here's a good, tho admittedly somewhat dated listing for you to try. Local aquarium societies are another great source for the good little mom n pop shops, not to mention plants and critters themselves: I always recommend people try the shops themselves rather than have someone's review make their decision for them. Some of the shops I've visited have been awesome and some a real disappointment.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Yahoo.....the anacharis is in!! Although the guy at the lps was pretty funny and tried to talk me out of it. He said that "sticking an aquatic plant in a tank without the proper substrate, is like trying to grow a tomato plant in your driveway". What a was actually pretty amusing.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
#32 ought to open a fish store, or at least an aquatic plant store. I'm sure everyone would find your sales pitch very amusing *laughingc

So far so good. The anacharis seems to be doing well and it looks great in the tank.

Starting to see some changes in my levels. Ammonia tonight was zero for the first time EVER! *BOUNCINGS Nitrites were .50 and Nitrates still at 12.5. Think I'm getting closer!!!!! Would you recommend I do a small water change or wait till tomorrow?